An interesting trend in Jewish Britain … but a good one…
Video: A Quick Lesson: What Whites really do to Jews in Pogroms and Holocausts
Ive looked at lots of literature over the years where the Jews claim Whites are slaughtering them. They cite pogroms as a nasty feature of their past. And then some pogroms are then called holocausts. But what exactly really happens? Is there any evidence of what exactly transpires between Whites and Jews?
One thing I notice about Britain, which nobody ever mentions, but it is clearly there, is that Britain is the source for a LOT of atheist/scientific stuff. There are different Whites in the UK, who are either academics or scientists who are putting out various facts. e.g. Evolution, or errors in the Bible. These people are not working together. They are operating alone and getting a message out.
There is even one person, who is amazing, whom I won’t mention who tells a deep, deep racial truth, who is AWESOME.
But what is interesting, is that apart from this one person, with his racial truth, the rest seem to be anti-White Liberals actually. In some cases this is understandable.
But there are some Brits who are puzzling me.
The person who puzzles me the most is the evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins.
I don’t understand how he can put out the truth about evolution and still be a Liberal.
Inside the UK you will find some really high IQ people. And remember, a good chunk of Britain’s population are actually White colonizers from Europe. e.g. the Danes, the Anglo-Saxons, the Normans, etc. How can a population like that of Britain, be so WEAK? That blows my mind. The British have GOOD DNA – Why are they so freaking weak?
Of course, the Americans have awesome DNA and look at them.
I suspect the Jewish poison is still very intense on Israel No 1, the Jewish Island of Britain.
Video: The European Race as an Immortal Biological Animal
What are Whites? Are we individuals or groups or some other arrangement? Professor Quigley raised this question for all humans. He also explained what Hitler thought. One day I had an interesting side chat with Matt Hales Mom and another lady, and the subject of Immortal Animals came up.