American supporter tells me: I used to believe Alex Jones – Why I never liked Alex Jones’ message
2005: UN: Africa needs $1-billion a year for Aids orphans
AIDS was killing so many Blacks that one in ten children were orphaned. Of course Whites are expected to bail them out and to keep these ungrateful worthless people alive.
[An American supporter wrote this to me. Jan]
He wrote:
>I can’t believe I used to buy that but yeah, also Alex Jones was some one I used to believe in and now I hate him with a passion,
I replied:
Tell me more about why you hate him. What exactly annoys you? In my case, I don’t like his statements that lots of events are FAKE. I have a serious problem with that. I can accept that some things are fake. But to call an entire school shooting FAKE when people were actually killed, is really bad. Now people begin looking around and just saying: "This is fake and that is fake and nobody died" when in fact real people DID DIE. That leads to CRAZY THINKING. Really crazy thinking, and it’s not good. We must stick to the FACTS as close as we can. Now the election that Trump lost – THAT WAS STOLEN. And I can always come back and revisit it because a Jew actually did that thing. But I would defend that point because I have data, and the data is very solid. But there are far too many things in America that are totally real and people were KILLED, and regardless of who did it or why it was done, it is critical to acknowledge that it is REAL and it did happen because those are the facts. I know one American lady, who I know personally and met her face to face many years ago. But she’s a sweet, feminine Christian lady. However, she and many older people buy into the notion that Trump for example, is busy with 4D chess, and that he’s still really the president when in fact he was cheated and he is struggling to survive and make a comeback. So she thinks he’s just extremely clever and he’s outwitting his enemies when in fact his enemies are outwitting him and are trying their utmost to destroy him and to prevent White Americans having a leader that they like. So that’s the danger of when you buy into things being too fake. I first heard of Alex Jones in about 2011 and 2012, and one of my oldest, best supporters, an old lady who died in 2012 loved Alex Jones. But when I first went to listen to him, I immediately sensed that he’s not telling you deep truths that are provable. I’ve never liked him because he would not talk about Wars, or communism, or real military stuff. I always felt that he’s skirting around issues. He will come and talk about the problems of South African Whites and tell the truth about that, but to me, he never tells you the REAL STUFF, like JEWS and COMMUNISM and people who are a genuine THREAT. To me there was always something "empty" about Jones. Yes, on rare occasions he’s been quite amazing, like in warning about vaccines. But I always felt there was a lot of "emptiness" in his message that bothered me. You can’t even call him Right Wing. I mean he doesn’t defend Hitler, or tell you about WW2. He doesn’t even defend Whites! If you can’t defend your own race, then something is seriously wrong. So to me, there is a LOT of stuff that really is not the HARSH TRUTHS OF LIFE.
Video: White Man Chat: Spanglish: How Jewish Hollywood Backstabs Whites & distorts the USA
We take a look at a movie called Spanglish, a very popular Hollywood movie that was created by Jews, and where the prime actor is a Jew. We look at how Jews put propaganda into a movie.