American schools teach disdain for white history: There are people who DESERVE TO BE ENSLAVED! – The European RIGHT TO CONQUER!!!


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REVEALED: The JEW who rigged Americas 2020 Presidential Election: Michael Podhorzer
In the massive expose in Time Magazine in 2021, regarding the powerful secret group who manipulated (stole) the US Presidential election, this Jew was named as the main architect.

[An American wrote this to me below. Jan]

I Listen and watch on your website. I also love all things military and military history especially the Romans and other European history. I hate how my American schools teach disdain for white history and artificial elevate all these other lesser cultures. I also like your analysis on South Africa and I now often see similarities between South Africa and Europe and especially America where the idea is that whites everywhere just took things from others and it is the colored people’s right to take these things back. Anyways Jan love your stuff.

I replied to him:-
I’m delighted you like the Romans. The Romans as a society are just amazing. I’ve studied them a lot in recent years and I’ve found it hard going to really understand them, but I now grasp them, and I think they’re incredible. There is so much to tell you and show you. European history is really incredible. We Whites have never been a bunch of babies or cry babies. So we’ve had many interactions and wars. Our history, whether it is peace or war, is INCREDIBLY RICH! You could spend many dozens, if not thousands of life times, just learning from the things our race has done. You will always find so much more to learn. These damned schools just cause you to miss out on the most fascinating parts of history. When I was at school in Rhodesia we studied in the British system and we even had our exams marked in the UK. We learned European history in high school and that’s when I really got hooked on history. The French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars really got to me, and I never forgot it. But our history is amazing, and we’re always busy with something. We never stand still. We’re not like the Blacks who live in huts for thousands of years. We’re pretty wild and we always have tons of ideas. Everything you could ever learn about LIFE and history and humans, you can learn from European history. It has all been done – several times over.

I’m glad you are seeing the similarities between the USA and S.Africa. And yes, notice all the propaganda – filthy Jewish propaganda actually – that Whites stole from everyone and it applies to all Whites everywhere. Our ancestors had quite a fascinating viewpoint on life and it was very natural and straightforward. They just weren’t a bunch of wusses and babies. So what you’ve got is all these Jewish guilt trips and Jewish crap where these filthy scum are trying to make our race feel guilty and bad for being VICTORIOUS, determined and downright awesome. If it wasn’t for Europe, people across north and south America and Africa would be living in huts. Ditto for Australia.

Our ancestors had a fascinating view of life. I was reading just the other day that Aristotle said that there are some people WHO DESERVE TO BE ENSLAVED!!! If they are ENSLAVED – it’s OK!!! I read elsewhere, where our ancestors had the view that there is "the RIGHT TO CONQUER!" That stuff would make a Liberal or Jews’ head EXPLODE! If we had to speak like that today, every Liberal and Jew’s head would just plain explode! But that is what SERIOUS WHITES THOUGHT IN PRE-CHRISTIAN TIMES. If someone is a useless sack of crap, then it’s OK to ENSLAVE THEM. And slavery, I might add, had many sides to it including being a PUNISHMENT for bad, rotten people. So forget the notion that GOOD PEOPLE WERE ENSLAVED. That is not always true.


Our ANCESTORS would be VERY PROUD of you White Americans. If they had to come to life and be told: Hey … your great grand children went to an enormous continent and they DEFEATED, CRUSHED and CONQUERED the Red Indians … and they enslaved them and took over the ENTIRE CONTINENT and they became insanely STRONG and ruled everyone … our ancestors would have said: FREAKING AWESOME!!! THAT IS WONDERFUL! I’m not making this up. This is exactly how they thought. They would NEVER have said: You are guilty for conquering. NEVER! They would have been VERY ANGRY if they had to hear that the land had to be given back to the coloureds! Why? What for? You had the RIGHT TO CONQUER THEM! What’s wrong with that? You defeated them fair and square in battle. You smashed them. They deserved to be enslaved. THEY BELONG TO YOU NOW! Do with them as you see fit! That is how our ancestors would have viewed things. They’d have looked at Blacks in Africa and said: Those are silly people. We should enslave them and conquer them. And they would not have hassled at all. Pre-Christian Whites would not have wasted 2 seconds on this issue of guilt. Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar had a WILD DESIRE TO CONQUER!!! That’s what they were TAUGHT IS RIGHT!

It is these filthy disgusting Jew scum who are busy breaking you White Americans down. Don’t listen to that crap. I aim to do many military history videos and some stuff is partly complete. I’m busy with something that is insanely complex currently. But keep an eye open. Whenever I can I will try to get back to the Romans and the pre-Christian times. Those Whites had lots of children. They were a vibrant no nonsense society. Nobody was scared of stuff. They didn’t take shit from their enemies. They were very vibrant and healthy people. We really must go back to being that way.

But Jews know that when we’re like that, we’ll also kick their asses and we’ll send the coloured people packing in short order. We need to be dominant and confident again. Jews are sucking the LIFE out of you White Americans and out of Whites everywhere.

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