American politics & elections have become like the 3rd world because of Jewish Power
Video: Black African Creativity Vs White American Creativity: Back Yard Inventions
In this video we look at Blacks and Whites and their ability to create things. We look at inventor Blacks who come up with ideas.
[One of my long time contacts on Twitter sent me this.
I am sick to death of the endless calls for “democracy” in the world which have gone on for decades. It drove the whites out of 5 African countries that we controlled FIRMLY. Everything is in the name of this bogus Jewish/Liberal/Communist democracy. Millions died in Africa, millions were killed in the Middle East in recent years. BUT THE WHITE PERSON IS ALWAYS THE LOSER!
Yet what about Hitler? He was totally democratically elected. Every move Hitler made including getting dictatorial powers he did through the German parliament! I know Mussolini seemed to take power initially undemocratically I think – by his march on Rome. But the same is NOT true of Hitler.
So how about WHITE DEMOCRACY HEY? Where’s that?
The white race is ruled by a bunch of treasonous white-hating cuckolds (& faggots too) who bow down to the Jew and stick it to the whites. America is a total joke. I don’t think much of American high tech. Europe can do much better. Our European brethren have done fantastic work and most of science was invented in Europe. I want to see Europe back 100% in white hands with the entire white race of the planet allied shoulder-to-shoulder with Europe – and that includes our white brethren in North and South America.
Let’s have real democracy, WHITE DEMOCRACY in Europe would do for starters! Europe must be the leader again. I’m sick of Jewish-Nigger-America. I’m sick of hearing blacks and Jews talking their bullshit. Europe and whites must lead again! Jan]
By Sta?
When asked whether the U.S. interferes in other countries’ elections, James Woolsey said, “Well, only for a very good cause in the interests of democracy.”
After witnessing the election and post election activity of the Jewish controlled Deep State attack of populist President Trump We now know that America nothing but a big high tech banana republic. When people vote for something or do something they (the 1% or “the Jews”) don’t like and you get trouble.
Remember the US backed overthrow of Salvador Allende and The 1953 Iranian coup d’état was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh? No many don’t remember or care. They care about” Russian bots.” and The fictional Black Panther movie.
Many of the most popular music and movies stars continue to go off. Anything the Jewish seem to tell the liberals they agree with. The few with some heart and compassion who even stick up for the Palestinians a bit are kind of silences and redirected to get angry at Russia for meddling and Iran…well Iran for nothing.
The DNC libs necons and Zionist are now endlessly saying Russia interfered in the US election.
This is an example of the disgusting hypocrisy of America which is for the must part a high tech slave of Israel.
We must ask how many countries have been invaded destroyed “meddled with” by the US and her master Isreal?
How is there any easy way to say the USA and her older brother GB are for the most part body guards for the state of Israel. Bodyguards and worse thugs and murders and fools.
No one in America seems to care about the damage done by overthrowing the leaders of sovereign nations. Just ask people YOU know. The women in particular will say good for Hilary Fuck Libya. They are sexist?
The pain the suffering the death the humiliation caused by this endless toppling of other world leaders and governments is a lot worse then fictional Russia facebook bots.
Yes ,Rob Reiner Meathead from All in the Family and Clapper and Brennon. Want to risk your kids in a conventional war with Russia. Thanks but no thanks Meat head. And use I am sure he would love to see anti-Semitic Poland and anti Semitic Russia (yet another fake term) kill one another over Russia non existent “bots”
They dare continue on with the BS about Russia meddling in the US elections. This is the most disgusting and annoying news story. They will not let this one go. It is a very clever tactic by the DNC and Judea Inc. (I will destroy this narrative in a new blog soon)
Russia meddled in US election.
First of all the Clintons were among the crew of elites who backed Borris Yeltson who assisted the Jewish Oligarchs in destroying Russia in the 1990’s
So even if Russia “meddled in the precious US elections the CIA Clintons and the “Havard Jews” ruined Russia out right under the puppet Yeltson
Meddling in elections and the overthrow of foreign governments in countries is done constantly by the CIA.
Just a taste: See overthrowing other people’s government’s: The Master List The list is endless.
It is even worse then this author Blume says. That is all the Americans do under Jewish power and sometimes even without it. Read and listen to Chomsky. That is all he talks about thousands of lectures and books. You can fill bookstores with loads of books on CIA over throwing countries. There is not a single country in Latin America that CIA has not overturn elections. The USA has worked hard to undue her predecessor GB on this one. As the so called economic hit man reveled the IMF and world back ect when they don’t get what they want they send the CIA and in some cases if they can’t do it they send the US marines. And the true masters who no one dares say really calls the shots Israel and their Wall Street Jewish friends don’t fool around. They now openly and admit openly admitted that they use assassination more than anyone. Is not assassination a form or “election meddling” Are “Russia bots” worse than assassination?
“Since World War II, Bergman (author of Rise up and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations calculates, the Jewish state and its pre-state paramilitary organizations have assassinated more people than any other country in the Western world — some 2,300 “targeted killing operations,”
In many cases, Israel’s leaders have even determined that in order to kill the designated target, it is moral and legal to endanger the lives of innocent civilians who may happen to find themselves in the line of fire. Harming such people, they believe, is a necessary evil.
Bergman writes:
“Assassinations,” he said, “have an effect on morale, as well as a practical effect. I don’t think there were many who could have replaced Napoleon, or a president like Roosevelt or a prime minister like Churchill.”
Yes, the people of the United States elected Trump. Like it or not he won.
Many alternative media people tear apart this story of Russia meddling. Muller has been at it for months and has got nothing. His endless open ended investigations diminish the power of Trump and cast doubts on anything he seeks to accomplish not the least of which peace in Palestine. But make no mistake it’s devilishly clever.
Side note: This is why it makes no sense at all that some all-knowing members of the alternative media insist the both Trump and Putin are puppets of the Jews or the Illuminate or what have you I repeat this constantly because this idea must be confronted.
The Russia election meddling is important to the Jews and the DNC because drives a wedge between peace and friendship between Russia and Trump. Something the Jewish will do everything to disrupt.
Also with the espionage aspect to it the case will never close the Democrats and the liberal Jews and such will always believe the so called Steel Dossier the ridicules pee pee gate. The liberals now love the CIA and the so called Deep State because they are after Trump.
Make no mistake there is a war on by the Jews against Putin and Trump. Steele the crocked MI6 British intel agent who made up the pee gate story was a friend of the operative who called for the overthrow of Putin. What was Putin going to do they were out to get him. Again proff to the fools who think Putin is under the control of Isreal. They at times are losing to him that is why they want him out at all cost fools!
The elite neocon Israel first groups the snobby eastern establishment liberals and the crazy dispensational Christians. Call for blood all the time. Look at the Sunday morning news shows. Where is the next threat coming from? What is the next evil country that must be blown away?
Yet the war process repeats itself endlessly. No reason for war has really even come close to have been proven. The Gulf of Tonkin that started Nam was false. The need to “liberate Kuwait” started Iraq and a shady Italian cut out espionage man started round II of the Iraq war murder fest and occupation with no existent “yellow cake” uranium. Mmmm does that sound like the Steele Dossier pee pee gate memo?
And can any news source in the western world be trusted? The answer is no. Only news that is pro-Israel is permitted.
I am tired of hearing About racist sexist comments of Trump and that Putin is X KGB. I am tired of hearing that every country under the sun is a threat. US UK and Israel have already bombed so many countries we can’t even name them all anymore can we? The Axis of evil didn’t even attack the USA on 911. If we believe the story the feds and the media tell us it was the US and Israeli ally Saudi Arabia did it.
Should we feel sorry for the kids killed and Sandy Hook and Parkland. Of coarse. Must suffering at times be put in perspective. Do we dare say it? When your kid gets blown away in a school shooting in America the horror ends there. In the ME your child gets blown away it might not be over. That’s right the ambulance carrying the dead or wounded to the hospital might be bombed.
Have you seen the reaction of the the luntic Woosley
Gen Flynn under Obama complained about the fact that the US was arming “moderate rebels. “ No media figure of any major significance has stress that the US has been funding basically the same people who we are told did the 911. The Alex Jones types have, but “Lieutenant General Michael Flynn became “the highest ranking intelligence official to go on record,” saying the US and other states, notably Turkey and the Gulf Arab states, were sponsoring Al-Qaeda-led rebels in Syria with political support and weapons in an attempt to overthrow Assad”
They kicked Flynn out twice because he dared to question Obama and he wanted to normalize relations with Russia through back channels. What the hell is wrong with that.
Is arming aiding and supporting “ moderate rebels” to invade the Sovereign nation of Syria worse than the “Russia bots”
This endless attacking of other leaders and govement will come back to bite us.. I personally complain about every day. I can tell you many people don’t care. Many do not seem to feel any sympathy for Palestine or the seven other countries in the ME that are ruined. In particual the American women many of them wanted to see a female president so badly they seemed and still seem obsessed with a HC presidency .
And the Nobel peace prize winning Obama? Obama droped over 26,000 bombs on the ME in 2016.
The USA has bombed are been at endless ware with the ME for a long time
Syria has become a zone of warfare that is dragging the Kurds into a fight with Turkey and absulutly to close American soldiers have killed or been killed.
He is a list of countries the US has been involved in open warfare with since only 1980 complied by military historian and former U.S. Army Col. Andrew Bacevich:
Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria.
Not to mention covert Support and oppression of Egypt and the work of government or private contrators as muscle for the despotic regime of Saudi Arabia.
Is supporting the illegal and deadly occupation of Palestine “meddling”?
The worst being Palestine. Palestine a total violent theft of an entire nation.
You can’t blame that one on the evil white British they were attacked as well.
The US was made because of the 444 day hostage “crisis “ in Iran. Will Kermit Roosevelt of CIA toppled the whole dam country. I ask you what is worse?
Well the USA toppled the democraticly elected ruler of Iran. Would you rather have Russia bots on face
I am sorry when a kid gets shot by the cops in a case when the cop was wrong. But I am sorry lets be real the pain the death and horror of the over though of mossedch in Iran is so much worse.
How about the pitting of Iran and Iraq against one another in a bloodbath that surpassed even the American Civil war itself.
Oh wait also openly admitted the diliberat strat of target assassination and formenting of bloddy civial war in Lebonon. And on and on I know he is a smokescreen but read Chompsky.
The liberal professors acdemics big shots war profesteress love to overthrow electionsand countries. The gush over it and live to “condem it” when it is far to late. What is next China” Oh goody goody. Some day and that day is coming they will bite off more then then can chew.
I will take allged Russia bot meddelying over all these other kinds of meddling anytime over the kinds of things that have been done in “helping nations become free and democratic” Thanks but no thanks Soros Kissenger and all the rest of them.
America now has a taste for election “meddling” For better or for worse the UK chose Brexit and now that may have that overturned as well. Trump has announced he will run again in 2020 and Putin will win in 2018.
But there will be meddling by the “1%” count on it.
White Shop: Hitlers Regard for Mothers: 1st Issue Mothers Cross Silver for 6-7 Children
The silver issue of the Mothers Cross was awarded to German mothers with 6 or more children, as a Fuhrergeschenk a gift from the Fuhrer.