America: The Huge Companies Jews control & How Jews cheat common Whites – The Truck driver


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Video: WW2: Waffen SS: We Dreamed of something MARVELLOUS
If all Whites understood what Hitler was trying to do, ALL Whites, everywhere would all have become NAZIS! In this video we take a look at the Belgian Leon Degrelle who became a NAZI and later an officer in the Waffen SS.

[This is a note an American sent me. I get so irritated when I hear about people being cheated and defrauded. Some day I think one should EXECUTE those who engage in massive fraud. I feel sorry for guys like the truck driver mentioned below. And of course, Hitler was the good guy. Hitler actually gave a darn about the FUTURE of Whites. He was of course a hero. Jan]

The American wrote this to me:
Some of them like Black Rock & Vanguard investment and State Street investment Companies all own the majority of the stocks in each other and now own most of America’s Corporations and in the world. And other Zionist owned asset companies like KKR and Apollo capital own hundreds of corporations now and there’s many more. And it’s not good because they can steer the economy the way they want it to go and the people who they want to hire, because they control the CEOs. Hitler knew what they were up to. He’s a really good guy. The Jews Brain is wired totally different from ours. Their whole Goal is to Divide and Conquer to rule the Goy. I believe what you said about reestablishing the Roman Empire for our race and way of life to survive. It’s easy for the Jews to Inite behind the scenes with Rothchild money and stolen wealth thru Hedge Funds. I used to work with a truck driver and he lost forty thousand dollars not once but twice the Jews ripped him off in retirement funds for over eighty thousand dollars.

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