America: MEMORIAL DAY – Celebrating the day Whites slaughtered Whites for the Jews!


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Video: Why Britain is the ENEMY of Rhodesians, Boers, Ethnic Europeans & Japan
I am NOT attacking the FEW British who have woken up (past & present) to the plight of the Race. The British I am referring to are the Liberalised British.

[These are comments from one of my American supporters. This is sadly true. This is like Britain where the British military, for 300 years, have been killing people for the benefit of the Jews. There is not a White soldier in the Western world who has actually fought for WHITE RACIAL INTERESTS. At least not since WW2. Jan]

This is what the American wrote:

Let us celebrate the "brave" whites who slaughtered their own cousins and
families just so the jew could survive to genocide these same white "warriors",
and live to start a second war so sons of these whites could slaughter their
white cousins for the jew’s absolute control of the West. Pathetic.
Remember, whites did the fratricidal slaughter, not jews.

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Video: Hamas attack on Israel: Is this a Life or Death fight for the existence of Israel?
Some South African supporters of Loving Life asked for my opinion of this war in Israel and what it could lead to. This is my analysis of the Middle East and what I think about this war between Israel and Hamas. I also look at the Syrian Civil war and we take a look at ALL the Arab/Muslim nations from Egypt to Iran and what threats they might pose to Israel. I also discuss American and Russian military power in the region. Can the region go nuclear? I go into quite a lot of political and military analysis of this conflict.

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