AMERICA IS A JEWISH HELL: Maybe Jews have made America UNBEARABLE for Whites except in Rural areas…


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White Shop: AWB 3-G shirt (Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Afrikaner Resistance Movement)
Since its founding in 1973 by Eugne Terre‘Blanche and six other patriotic Afrikaners, it has been dedicated to secessionist Afrikaner nationalism and the creation of an independent Boer-Afrikaner republic or ‘Volkstaat/Boerestaat‘ in part of South Africa.

[An American wrote to me after he watched my latest video about Black and White inventions here in Africa. The American told me how unhappy he was except when he could go away and camp. He said that camping was the only time that he actually felt free. I wrote this to him. Jan]

You people outside africa have been very jewed. The more I look at people the more I realise how Jews have broken Whites, especially White men.

I am horrified also, from recent discoveries where I finally hear White women talking about how they viewed relationships with men, and I am horrified at how white women have had their minds destroyed by Jew crap. We Whites who were born after WW2 – we’re very screwed up. However, I do think in Africa, where we were less under the power of Jews we were happier, especially in Rhodesia. We’re fine when left alone. I can see why Americans now hate America and Europeans hate Europe.

We’ve got to get ourselves free from these filthy disgusting people.

Another question I’ve pondered is how many WHITES have either been killed or died because of Jewish influence in our lives and minds. e.g. unborn children, whites who committed suicide, etc.

We’ve got to get the hell away from these freaking creeps. They also have destroyed cities and urban life. Urban life does not need to be so miserable.

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White Shop: Vierkleur Flag: 35 Boer Transvaal Republic South Africa
3x5 (foot) (90 cm x 150 cm) Rough Super Polyester Nylon 150D Flag. 4 Rows of sewing on fly side & real brass grommets (Will not rust). UV block protected fade resistant technology and anti rain and acid protection material. Excellent heavy duty wind weather / wind resistance.

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