UK: Alison Chabloz: How a Homosexual Swede infiltrated the Alt-Right


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White Shop: Hitlers Regard for Mothers: 1st Issue Mothers Cross Silver for 6-7 Children
The silver issue of the Mothers Cross was awarded to German mothers with 6 or more children, as a Fuhrergeschenk a gift from the Fuhrer.

[Alison is on trial in the UK for the terrible “crime” of writing a satirical song mocking the Jewish holocaust. She’s living through a nightmare. Homosexuals are in with our anti-white enemies. The enemy is at work against all whites. Jan]

You can read the story here on her blog:

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2004: S.Africa: Mbeki better than Mandela unemployment 30-40
London President Thabo Mbeki is probably a better manager than his predecessor, former president Nelson Mandela, despite some glaring errors of judgment.

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