Alicia Frischman of Smoloko & Jan Chat: Whites fight too much
In Israel Legislators Introduce a Bill to Punish Christians who Tell People about Jesus. They want to jail them!
Alice wrote to me:
Thank you for your work. Do you know I was listening to you since my early start I think around 2014 and I was amazed by your courage. Well, there are so many psychological barriers in the Whites minds, not only religion, but also political correctness and guilt and hard indocrination. It is so difficult for me to "gather" all these Whites and seduce them by the truth we are saying. Whites tend to fight between each other in an incredible way. This is their main weakness. They really hate to unite or even accept the opinions of other Whites who slightly differ from them. See how I have to deal for example with the CI (Christian Identity) people, the Atheists and the pagans, the Christians with all their denominations. Even if all are Jew-wise, they don’t stop fighting with each other. Also the biggest part of them are just politically anti-Jews or what is known as "anti-Zionists" so many don’t like you when you speak about Judaism or Jews as a religious group or ethnic group… so many barriers are put and refraining Whites from union. That we even did not talk about rivalry between Europeans, the Northern more pure blood and the southerns mixed blood… Some even fight over what it means to be "White"… so difficult war honestly.
I replied:
@Alice_F @CrunchyBacon @Confederate Alice, I’ll post your comments now. Re: White infighting. The good news is that Whites aren’t the only ones who engage in infighting. Among the Black Communists, they get so angry with each other they eventually start to kill each other. But I think MOST OF WHITE INFIGHTING ONLY EXISTS BECAUSE OF JEWS. I think if Jews are out of the picture, Whites are very similar. I really think the Jews in our midst and the JEWISH THINKING, JEWISH VALUES, LIBERAL VALUES – Jews are pushing DIVISION (Divide and Conquer) in 101, actually 1001, different ways. When Whites are left to themselves, most Whites are quite racist and Whites think the same. If we could get rid of Jews from among us. Jewish interference in our (a) THINKING (b) OUR VALUES and we were just ourselves, we will be like Hitler, like the Romans, like the Greeks. Our race had no problem with conquest, with facing enemies, with enslaving people if we needed (e.g. Spartans, Romans, Greeks). In our pre-Christian, pre-Jewish times, we were different people. Hitler’s Germans are the closest modern recreation of WHITES IN THEIR NATURAL STATE. The Italians under Mussolini tried to do the same. Hitler was taking us back to what we were. He came the closest to recreating us in our natural state. And it works. It works AWESOMELY. But Hitler had to drive Jews out from his party. He had to fight and push the Jews out and away so that they could think clearly and move forward. Alice, we are not PERFECT, but we’re still freaking the best. We have our foibles. But we’re still far better than the others. And, Alice, the Blacks ONLY made progress because Jews+Communists (a) Organised them (b) Gave them money (c) Gave them publicity (d) gave them military training. Now here you and I are. Who has GIVEN you or me, any of the above? NOBODY. NOBODY in our entire movement was given ANY of the above. We have had to do it using our own personal resources. From (a)-(d) above. We got NONE of the above. The Blacks got it for DECADES. Eventually the Russians were spending BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to arm the Blacks and still the Blacks could hardly make any headway against the Whites. Alice, I think MOST of the division in White society comes from Jews and Jewish poisons in our society. By Jewish poisons I mean ideas and concepts that originate from Jews. e.g. Liberal ideas. The one solution to the infighting Alice, is that as Whites struggle more and feel the pain, those divisions go away. People realise more and more the need to stick together. We are far from finished. Seriously. I like where the movement is going. I think Whites are waking up. Life is fascinating, and in reality, people get to explore all the possibilities. But history shows us, that 99% of the possibilities don’t work. Many things will end up being reruns of the past. We need argument. It’s all part of the process. But we NEED PAIN too. That helps things along. People change. They do. I’ve seen it.
Video: Can 50 million Blacks kill 4 million Whites in 2 weeks?
I did an insane amount of Military Academic work in order to answer this question. In here, youll see something totally unique. I explain why I think several Blacks did research into this and what was their inspiration for coming to this conclusion, as well as the horrific ideas they have in store for us. I also demonstrate, what an all out race war would be like if it raged across South Africa. The answers may surprise you.