Additional thoughts about the lying Jew Alan Dershowitz who denies Sex Slave charges…
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Video: A Quick Lesson: What Whites really do to Jews in Pogroms and Holocausts
Ive looked at lots of literature over the years where the Jews claim Whites are slaughtering them. They cite pogroms as a nasty feature of their past. And then some pogroms are then called holocausts. But what exactly really happens? Is there any evidence of what exactly transpires between Whites and Jews?
Video: A Quick Lesson: What Whites really do to Jews in Pogroms and Holocausts
Ive looked at lots of literature over the years where the Jews claim Whites are slaughtering them. They cite pogroms as a nasty feature of their past. And then some pogroms are then called holocausts. But what exactly really happens? Is there any evidence of what exactly transpires between Whites and Jews?
I forgot to add a few comments about the video I posted. Here were some additional thoughts I had when I watched that video. You can watch the video here:
Here were some observations of mine when I was watching the video:
His mouth is very dry while he’s lying. He’s taking a lot of strain even for such a practised liar. Notice that he and Epstein know the Rothschilds.
He claims he never knew about underage sex at Epstein’s place…
There are so many nice juicy things that can be latched on to.
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Boer Cartoon: When you give some people a brick
The guy who does these cartoons is a Boer. This says it all.
Boer Cartoon: When you give some people a brick
The guy who does these cartoons is a Boer. This says it all.