About the Russians, the White Russians, Slavs, the Asiatic Whites and Putin


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[This is from an email I wrote to a serious American who sent me an article written by a Slavic guy claiming Putin was a backstabber. I'm not publishing it because I need to assess whether this guy knows what he is writing about or whether he is a clown. So I'm not interested in what he says. I was talking to someone in Europe about Slavs. The term Slav, like the term Germanic, is very confusing and it actually does not add value. It adds to confusion. Germanic is a language term, and Slavic has a similar angle. You can have people speaking a Germanic language who do not have German DNA. Slavic is a sort of cultural/language type of term that also misleads us. Jan]

This is what I wrote to the American about the Russians:-

About the Russians. It really seems to me that Russians are European Whites who mixed with Mongols who conquered them and ruled them.

It seems to me that about 60% of these people are 100% of European DNA – they are us. So I have no problem with that.

But it seems about 40% of them have a definite quite strong mixture of Mongol.

I do NOT have a problem with White/European Russians being among us, or interbreeding with us or merging with us.

I would love to have such White Russians as NAZIS and would welcome them.

I think I’ve even heard of others using the term "White Russian".

If you have any information on the DNA of the Russians and the mix of who is White/European and who isn’t, I would be interested in that information.

I will also look around.

But the Russians do have some other issues. They are like the White Americans, but whereas the Whites who went to North America, stayed true to their race for the most part, that is not true for Russians.

The Russians, unlike White North Americans, were CONQUERED and RULED by another race – the Mongols. The Mongols conquered and ruled them for quite a time.

Also even when they regained control of their land from the Mongols, the Mongols remained among them. Also, their upper classes INTERMARRIED WITH MONGOLS.

In the same way that today it is the fashion among some of the US Upper Classes and Jews to marry non-Whites.

In Russia this continued for quite a time AT THE TOP LEVELS.

The Russians have a sense of GROUP IDENTITY which is very strong and it is ironic that under Jewish Bolshevik control, Russians retained that pride in Russia even under communism.

One scary thing I find about them, having observed Putin and others closely, is that they definitely have an "Asiatic" type of thinking. In other words, they may be White, but they have a non-European, Asiatic, tendency to tell "White Lies" for the benefit of the group. There is definitely some Asiatic thinking that is quite different to European thinking in them.

I do welcome White/European Russians who want to work with our race and with Europe and want to be a part of our civilization. I have no problem with them.

But I do not think that Putin is one of those people. I see many issues with Putin. It seems to me that White Christians and many Whites want to believe that he is some kind of new racial leader, but I see no evidence of that. I do think he has a number of dark sides and he’s no friend of Europe.

A very important issue for me is that I’m Euro-Centric. I believe in Europe and the importance of Europe. I need to elaborate on this.

I would welcome more definitive information on the Russians and their DNA.

One thing which I think the White Right is doing a totally rotten job on, is to also look at the Ukrainians and to see and realise how much closer to being White/European they are.

They may be ruled by a Jewish piece of shit, but they are still White Europeans – and they strike me as a lot more White than the Russians. I am amazed that Whites can stand by and just watch Ukrainians die and not think of it. Everyone is grovelling to Putin. I have watched Putin intensely for a year now, and he strikes me firmly as a PROPAGANDIST, and I can even point out clear LIES. Putin can and does LIE.

The last 15 months has given me a chance to observe the Asiatic Whites with interest, and I’m watching them and learning more about them. They are a COMPLEX ISSUE and I do want to understand these Whites from Eastern Europe right through to Siberia and Asia better. But they are a complex topic and there are quite fascinating mixtures of people there.

Putin I must add has never been a RACIST. He also has a quite defined Mongolian look to him and he does have LOTS of Jews that he deals with. He might be the leader of Russia BECAUSE he was the MOST PRO-JEWISH. That is very likely. If Jews can’t get a Jew in power then they are willing to work with Jew-friendly Goyim. And there is a lot about Putin that is Jew friendly. You can see it over and over.

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