About Jewish and Liberal tricks to stop Trump: Whites everywhere NEED TO GET REALLY ANGRY


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Whites: Know your enemy: Fun Facts about (((Liberals)))
Liberals are NOT our friends! Liberals are the ENEMIES of ALL Whites. Here are some fun memes about Liberals.

[This is a note I wrote to the guy who sent me the piece about the disqualification of Trump. Jan]

I wrote:
All kinds of weird tricks are what I am concerned about. But, if they DENY Trump or stop Trump using some trick, it could be EXCELLENT because I think anything outrageous will just make WHITE AMERICANS LOSE THEIR SHIT. And that is good. They need to be angry and motivated. Then the Jews and the Rich had better get out of the way.

I do think that Whites as a whole, as a RACE, need to get REALLY ANGRY and when I see what everyone else is getting up to, I think this could well happen sooner or later.

I welcome it with open arms. You need people to be SUPER ANGRY, and TOTALLY OUTRAGED, then they will DO STUFF and GET INVOLVED.

I’m loving this. Even over here in SA, the Boers need to LOSE THEIR SHIT in the end as well. That’s the only way.

Then the rules don’t matter any more. 🙂 And that’s when the Jews will lose!


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