A White British guy in London writes to me…


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I‘ve been waiting for this for a long time. A lot of what happened, also happened on the phones, and clearly the videos and audios are now in court.

[This is my reply to a White British guy. Jan]

His original text is marked as >>

Since you are a White Brit, I urge you to watch my Africa videos, especially the Colonial and Rhodesian ones and also the South African ones. Once you understand the difference betwen Boers and Brits, you’ll grasp and understand why English and Afrikaans should be working together. The Boers are really an example of European continental thinking, and you British need to understand that some things are more important than money. You sound like a really serious guy, so I don’t think I need to tell you much. But I’m emphasising the angle. The deeper issue of Britain is ECONOMICS versus your position geographically in the world. Watch the Rhodesian videos, even the ones where I say nasty things about Britain. Then, with your own hindsight, I’m sure you’ll see and appreciate what the Rhodesians tried to do and how right they were.

I’m sorry to see your country being ruined, but I’m extremely pleased to see that you’ve realised how similar you are to other Whites! Now you’re talking brother. Let me respond to various things you mentioned below.

>I just wanted to say thanks for the work you’re doing. I’ve been binge watching your videos the last few weeks and I kinda like the slower pace of them, I have them on in the background while I work.

I’m glad you like it, and, if you listen carefully, you’ll hear many important things in those videos that cannot be obtained through quick sound bites. Some concepts are complex and you need background and context before the penny drops and you realise that this is very important. My goal is to give you DEPTH – because shallowness alone, and quick simple advertising is not enough to wake other people up.

>I have just watched https://historyreviewed.best/index.php/video-audio-black-american-science-in-africa-eating-childrens-hearts-is-the-way-to-win-battles/ And it’s fucking cracking me up, these blacks are so fucking stupid and the story about the rock and diesel is hilarious. This video was full of interesting bits and was one of your best ones.

Thank you. I tried to cram a lot of stuff in there because the race issue is VERY REAL AND IT DOES NOT GO AWAY! 100 Years from now, your racial problems in the UK will be even worse!

>I’m in London, UK, and I was also listening to your video about the English and things that happened to the Boers. I wanted to say that really the majority of British public have no idea about such things so I think it’s similar situation that the Jews really benefit here when we talk about the "British" or the "Americans" when really we mean the "British government" or the "American government", or more specifically – the "Jewish infiltrated government".

The Boers were just one of the first groups of Whites who were attacked by Jewish Rothschild induced Globalist armies. Canadian, Australians, New Zealanders and Brits came to shoot Boers – for their mineral wealth for the Rothschilds and their agents – namely Cecil Rhodes. The Boers didn’t present any kind of threat to Britain.

>I was in the US recently and you know, as a fellow White, it makes you realise that we have so much in common with each other, I live in South London, Brixton, where the Windrush totally ruined London first with the African’s invading and I can tell you, I have more in common with the Americans that I met in Texas than any of the negros that I live alongside here.

Your quote is totally excellent. You are realising the truth EXACTLY as Ben Klassen, the founder of the Church of Creativity said. In one of his books he wrote something like this: "I have more in common with an Australian living 10,000 Miles away than I have with a negro living 1 Km from me. This is the truth.

You have more in common with Germans or French or Boers that your nation fought, than you have with the Blacks and Pakistanis living in your country!

I might have mentioned in one of my recent Rhodesian videos the issue of "The Black Rhodesians". I mentioned the White Rhodesians and some saying we need to rather deal with the Black Rhodesians, and they never gave any thought to them dealing with the Boers across the border in SA – because despite a different language, we have so much more in common with them. When you deal with RACE you are dealing with something incredibly ALIEN. I’m sure you are seeing that by now.

You used a term I don’t understand. You said: "Windrush". What do you mean by that?

The knife crime has gone fucking nuts since Covid and I said back in 2020 – with all the BLM propaganda that the young ‘groids are being subjected to, just wait until those 14-15 year olds are 18-19….they have been told the world owes them something and now we’re seeing the crime explode and they have more balls and less brains than ever.

Hahaha. They have more balls and less brains than ever. I notice similar things and I like it. Jews and Liberals opened the gates to hell … but this is going to backfire on them. Hang in there. PUSH BACK and wake up other Whites.

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