A Supporter wrote to me about: IS MIKE JEWISH? – TRS and NJP – MIKE PEINOVICH AND THE NJP
Video: When Belgium, White Africans & Blacks fought the Evil Communist Loving UN
This is the strange story of how the Belgians were forced out of their own colony by the globalist United Nations and how America sided with communists. Facing them were Blacks who were supported by the Belgians, South Africans and Rhodesians.
[This is quite a detailed piece written by one of my supporters who says he listened to these guys for a long time. He explains why he does not think Mike is Jewish. Jan]
Dear Jan,
I heard your video in which you talked with some guests about Mike Peinovich (Enoch) and the National Justice Party (NJP). I would like to give you my opinion about them. I started listening to some podcasts on the therightstuff.biz (TRS) podcast network, about four or five years ago, soon after I became a Nazi. I believe the network is owned by Mike’s friend and co-host, Jesse Dunstan (Sven). Because of listening regularly for so long, I’m quite familiar with Mike and the NJP. As you probably know, Mike was the head of the NJP and it grew out of TRS. Eric Striker (Joseph Jordan) was a founding member of the NJP and another co-host of Mike’s on a podcast called, Strike and Mike. Most of the supporters and activists in the NJP came from supporter groups of TRS, called Pool Partys, TRS paying subscribers and fans that got together with each other in person.
I would like to address the opinion that some people have expressed that Mike Peinovich is Jewish, or part Jewish. I saw that you published some audio on your site that sounded like Mike implying that he was Jewish. I had never heard that audio before then. From all the many hours of listening to Mike, I have never heard him say, or imply that he was Jewish. I have heard him say quite a few times that he is three quarters Norwegian and a quarter Serbian. I strongly believe that Mike is not Jewish, that he hates Jews and Jewry and that he is one hundred percent pro-European. This is my impression after having listened to him regularly, for such a long time.
In regards to that audio, I don’t know where it comes from or when it was recorded. It could be re-cut snippets, from different pieces of audio. There are definitely people that would like nothing more than to discredit Mike in the eyes of his fans and other White Nationalists. So, I’m saying that I think it is a possibility that this is audio that has been re-cut by his enemies to discredit him. Another possibility is that this audio is quite old, from an early podcast, close to the beginning of TRS. It could be from before he fully embraced Nazism and openly identified as such, in which case it would not have been seen to be as negative to disclose his Jewish or part Jewish identity. Something that he later tried to deny and cover up. I tend to believe the first possibility, that it is altered audio to discredit him. However, I didn’t listen to TRS in those early days, so I don’t know the sort of things he said back then.
It could be true that Mike has a small percentage of Jewish blood, but that he still hates the Jews and loves Europeans. I hope he doesn’t have any Jewish blood, but it could be a possibility. Just as there is a possibility that Hitler’s paternal grandfather was Jewish, but he was one hundred percent anti-Jew and pro-European. I have looked into that possibility a bit, but couldn’t find any conclusive evidence either way. But it could be true. If it was true, it would not spoil Hitler, in my eyes. He still would have been Majority European. Obviously, I hope it isn’t true.
Regarding the NJP, I would say that it’s dissolution was due to several factors. One of the main ones is probably, problems with the leaders and their relationships with each other and the supporters that they worked with. The Nazis were lucky because they had a very strong and undisputed leader. He was a once in a millennium type leader. In the NJP, I think there was quite a lot of fighting and arguing between the leaders, and I hear that there were some problems between some leaders and some supporters.
Another problem was the relationship between NJP and TRS. Mike was still doing full time podcasting and most of the other leaders were still doing regular podcasting too. Mike was making his living from TRS and Sven, the owner, runner and Mike’s co-host would not have been happy if Mike had done less podcasting. Mike and Sven had a bit of a conundrum. If Mike left, no one would listen to the podcast anymore and Mike would not have his income, but if he didn’t leave, he would not be able to devote enough time to successfully run the NJP. Sven was definitely much more invested in TRS than the NJP and I think Mike didn’t want to risk his friendship with Sven and loose his job.
I think these were then main internal factors that led to the downfall of the NJP.
Audio: JEWS108: Jews are MANAGERS (Strategists), Whites are WORKERS, Soldiers, Scientists Tacticians
This is a follow up video from How Jews Think. In this video I discuss the class warfare of the Jews as an upper class with a work outlook of Managment versus whites, who almost universally are some form of High Quality Worker. I look at the different outlooks of these two groups and then examine the resulting clashes between then.