A Supporter question: Do you think the Illuminati are above the Jews? – Also: The Free Masons a very old White Male High Tech Secret Society


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Video: JEWS105A: Jewish lies that work: The One Jew Lie
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[A supporter asked the question about the Illuminati and Jews. Jan]

I replied:
When you are dealing with that you’re starting to look into very old conspiracies and secret societies. To be hones with you I’ve not made any time to study it because it’s so old. I do think it comes from Germany and it came before the French Revolution. I think there were Jews involved in it too. I think it may have had an effect on the French Revolution. I don’t know how it progressed or evolved and whether it is even relevant any more. My suspicion is that it’s more or less faded away. I doubt it has any existence or influence on our current situation.

But if you look at the Free Masons, that is an even older conspiracy and secret society and I’ve even had the chance to speak to 2 Free Masons. One told me how very old it was. It was actually created, very probably, by White men who wanted to protect their knowledge and skills. It was a sort of "high tech conspiracy". However, they seem to have been very effective for many centuries and they exist even until now. Some of them are even operating totally in the open.

But in my research regarding the Great Jewish Mask, there was info from Russians that the Jews BOUGHT OUT ALL THE FREE MASON LODGES IN THE WORLD IN THE LATE 1800s. When I look at the values of modern Free Masons it is very liberal and very dangerous. It is about a global community and a "brotherhood of all men". So that also adds to my view that this must be Jewish crap.

So I think Jews OWN and CONTROL ALL FREE MASONS. I’ve met Freemasons and spoken to them at length and they are definitely GLOBALIST TOOLS. They can NEVER be racial or loyal to their race.

But I don’t see any modern evidence that the Illuminati even exist never mind that they are a force. I see zero historical evidence that they are even a factor.

So I definitely do NOT think that they control Jews. Hillaire Belloc in France in the 1920s wrote in his great book THE JEWS about how much the Jews function by SECRECY. When I look at the world and at the way Jews work, I think they are the No 1 SECRET SOCIETY. They are crawling all over the world, especially in our civilisation.

Many people like to grab all kinds of conspiracies or secret societies as if they exist today, but I’m not so sure, and for me the Illuminati don’t seem to be a factor. I don’t think they even exist. I’m not sure what happened to them.

If they existed, I’m sure the Jews would control them too. Jews LOVE secrecy. That’s one of their big edges.

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