A Simple clue to all Whites that Jews are the Biggest, Boldest, Bullshit artists on the planet…


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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Jews, the Masters of Assassination & Murder
Tom Metzger told me that the Jews had 2 contracts out to kill him! Tom explains his view that Jews murder anti-communists and white right wingers in the USA. We discuss his many experiences from the past.

[In the days when I had Jewish friends, my “best” Jewish friend, who visited me often and we talked for long was pretty arrogant on various occasions. For example with regard to Christianity, he would say: “If the Christians want to know what’s written in the Bible then they should refer to us because we are the people who wrote it!” Back then I was foolish enough to fall for various Jewish claims like this.

But on a number of occasions my Jewish friend said something that the Jews everywhere claim. He said something like this: “We have a direct telephone line to God”. Now the Jews will go on and on about how they are the one and only chosen people and how they have a direct link to God which is exclusive and which nobody else has. They don’t say it exactly like that, but they insinuate that in their soft, lying, Jewish way.

NOWHERE ON THIS PLANET will you find any race of people, any tribe of people who make a claim as bold as these Jews. That they are the one and only people who have a DIRECT connection with God, a telephone line, if you will, to God.

This alone should alert you to the simple fact that you’re dealing with the greatest liars and bullshit artists on the planet. Nobody else, no matter how filthy or retarded they are, has this line that the Jews have. This alone should tell you what a race of bullshit artists you’re dealing with. Jan]

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Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.

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