A Quick Note: The BIG LIE that Whites stole the BEST FARM LAND in South Africa & Rhodesia


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Video: The Greatest Jewish Lie told about Spanish Christians that EVERYBODY BELIEVES!
Most people think they know what the Spanish Inquisition was about, but theyre all wrong. They believe an enormous lie. As usual, what is left out is the role of the Jews.

I was chatting to a Boer pal of mine whose a farmer, and he was telling me how hard things are in the area he lives in. In the past I discussed with him THE BIG F*ING LIE THAT WHITES TOOK THE BEST LAND IN SOUTH AFRICA. I constantly come across this total

F*ING SHIT. Just yesterday, I was watching a video about the early Whites in Rhodesia, and I heard the SAME


The place where we lived, on the farm we lived on, I ploughed with my Dad’s little tractor – I can tell you how SHIT THE LAND WAS WHERE WE LIVED BECAUSE I F*ING PLOUGHED IT MYSELF. In South Africa lots of Whites farm in even worse areas. I promised my Boer pal, that I’ll do a video SOON regarding this big fat fucking lie about South Africa and all Whites. This is just one of the bazillions of fucking lies these worthless scum tell about the Whites of Africa, and this TOTAL CRAP becomes accepted by everyone in the WORLD. I’ll finish this video off ASAP. It will be out in the coming weeks.

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