A message from Norway to History Reviewed – Also: Himmler’s Black Order – A History Of The SS


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[I got this lovely message from a reader in Norway. I’m delighted that my efforts have helped you to discover a small bit of the truth! We’ve all been so lied to about each other that one hardly knows where to begin. But the biggest lies of all are of course about Europe and WW2, but here and everywhere, the lying machines have been at work! I’m glad you bought Heinrich Himmler’s book. Please drop me a line when you’ve read it. I’m keen to hear what you think of it. The SS must be recreated so that the white race and above all Europe (better still Europa) can be saved and MADE GREAT AGAIN! Jan]

Sven wrote:

Subject: Your Efforts

Message: Hello Jan Lamprecht, im very much impressed of your videolectures, your engagement and your courage. Thorugh you I have learned a lot about what really happend in Africa, a continent which people i love very much, but only knew from the MSM. I understand ur observations and thoughts as very valuable for the development of my understanding. I have now the book written by Heinrich Himmler, “Black Order”, and soon i will read it.

Sincerely Yours

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Institute for Historical Review
This is a pretty decent website that deals with various historical lies and crimes of the Jewish scum. It deals with the time Israel murdered Americans on the USS Liberty and also deals with the holocaust and various other Jewish deceptions and lies.

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