A KICKASS PANZER Commander: General Der Panzertruppe: Hermann Balck – Romanians are poor, but BRAVE!
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I’ve known about Hermann Balck for a number of years and I know he was really amazing. I was amazed when I first heard of a time when he and his Panzers actually joined the Russians from BEHIND and they were shooting up the Russians from behind and wiping them out.
I’ve had his memoirs for quite some time, but I never went to the trouble of actually spending time reading his thoughts in depth. I’ve grown very fond of Hermann Balck. He’s really an amazing German and a very CLEVER White man – truly a clever man. Herman Balck is awesome. I’ll revisit some of the things he said in future videos. He’s truly a WONDERFUL man.
He and another General, Mellenthin, lived long after WW2 and were even consulted by the US Military. I am thoroughly enjoying digging into the memoirs of these amazing white men. I am looking at memoirs because memoirs give unique, first-hand insights into the NAZIs and Hitler.
Balck says many good things about most of the Germans. He likes Guderian a lot, but points out one of Guderian’s flaws, while also pointing out a mistake Hitler made. He says nothing but good things about Von Manstein. He has incredible respect for Von Manstein.
I was amazed by his insights into Paulus who surrendered at Stalingrad. He really gives some insights into his mind that I would never have guessed at.
Balck made some observations about other Europeans. He said that the Romanians were rather poor and ill equipped Whites, but that they were really BRAVE! He clearly was very impressed with them as German allies.
He said that most of the Italians were not good soldiers, but that some of their troops, like the mountain troops, were very good. He said that the Italians were not very interested in fighting on the Eastern Front.
I was quite shocked that he did not think much about the Hungarians. He did not think they were very good. I was quite surprised by this.
But his praise for the Romanians was very interesting to me. They were poor and ill equipped, but they were very brave. That’s a damned good compliment.
Balck is actually a very wonderful, very nice, healthy, super-intelligent, awesome man. I have incredible respect for him.
One General whom he complained about a lot was Walter Model. I think Hitler liked Model a lot. But Balck basically kept Model at a distance because he saw him as a nuisance.
Balck is very human and I think he’s an awesome guy as a role model for young White men. He is extremely clever and he was never a man who was at a loss for knowing how to solve problems.
The 11th Panzer Division was the main division that he commanded. He did command others, but the 11th Panzer was mostly his baby.
An all round fabulous man. A man all Germans can be proud of.
White Shop: White Power Fist Patch
This embroidered patch is 3 inches in diameter.