A KICK-ASS White Bishop who condemns Judaism, is a Holocaust Denier – Got into trouble in Germany
S.Africa: Animal sex: Black man arrested, goat dies
The Goats were screaming! Villagers at Ga-Ratisi in the Northern Province holding an all-night vigil arrested a naked man early on Sunday morning, who is believed to have committed bestiality with a goat which later died.
[This guy is very cool. I've heard of him before but never followed up to see what he got up to. He has a mind of his own. I like him. He has his own views and it seems he pissed off his superiors in the Church among many other things. Very interestingly, he is an abject holocaust denier. But he ended up getting into trouble in Germany on a number of occasions for holocaust denial. Jan]
This paragraph is a translation from a German website I was looking at, and you can see what he says about the big Jewish holocaust lie:
During World War II (1939-1945), the German National Socialists and Nazis murdered millions of people, the majority of them Jews, in gas chambers. The largest facility was Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland. However, the English bishop Richard Williamson claimed in an interview that there were no gas chambers and that "no Jews died". Some of the historic buildings are still preserved and can be visited, and there are also records of the gassing actions.
Here are some very interesting excerpts about this Bishop on his wikipedia page:
Jews and Holocaust denial
Williamson condemns the Jewish religion.[45] He has urged the conversion of the Jews to Catholicism.[46]
He says that Jews and Freemasons have contributed to the "changes and corruption" in the Catholic Church.[47][48] He has also stated that Jews aim at world dominion[13][49] and believes The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to be authentic.[13] Williamson has denied that he is promoting hatred,[50] identifying the contemporary enemies of the faith as "Jews, Communists and Freemasons".[48][50] He argues that "Anti-Semitism means many things today, for instance, when one criticizes the Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip. The Church has always understood the definition of anti-Semitism to be the rejection of Jews because of their Jewish roots. This is condemned by the Church."[51]
Since the late 1980s, Williamson has been accused of Holocaust denial.[48][52][53] Citing the pseudoscientific Leuchter report,[51] Williamson has denied that millions of Jews were murdered in Nazi concentration camps and the existence of Nazi gas chambers[14][54][55] and praised Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel.[48] During an interview on Swedish television recorded in November 2008, he stated: "I believe that the historical evidence is strongly against, is hugely against six million Jews having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of Adolf Hitler",[55] and "I think that 200,000 to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, but none of them in gas chambers."[14][54][53]
On the occasion of Robert Faurisson’s death in 2018, he summarised: "[T]he people who hold world-wide power today over politics and the media are people who want the godless New World Order," and "they have fabricated a hugely false version of World War Two history to go with a complete fabricated religion to replace Christianity."[56]
Criminal conviction in Germany
On 4 February 2009, German prosecutors announced the launch of a criminal investigation into the statements.[84] In October 2009, a German court, using an "order of punishment" fined Williamson €12,000 after finding him guilty of Holocaust denial.[85] Williamson denied the charges and appealed, paving the way for a full hearing that Williamson need not attend.[86] He did not attend the trial, on orders from his society, on charges of inciting racial hatred in Regensburg, Germany on 16 April 2010, and was found guilty. The court reduced the fine to €10,000.[87] The fine was appealed by lawyers from both sides; the lawyer Williamson hired was the former leader of the Wiking-Jugend, an outlawed Neo-Nazi group.[88] The Society of St. Pius X ordered Williamson to find a new lawyer under threat of expulsion.[88] His appeal was held on 11 July 2011. At appeal the lower court’s decision was upheld but the fine was reduced to €6,500, reportedly due to Williamson’s financial circumstances.[89][90] On 22 February 2012 the higher court dismissed this conviction, finding that the initial charges against Williamson had been inadequately drawn, having failed to specify the nature of his offence, or at what point his filmed comments came under German jurisdiction, or in what sense he could be held liable for failing to prevent their publication in Germany.[8] On 16 January 2013, he was prosecuted and condemned again, but this time with a much reduced fine of €1,600, because of his "unemployed state". He refused to pay the fine and appealed again,[91] but his appeal was dismissed.[92] On 31 January 2019 the European Court of Human Rights ruled against Williams’ attempt to overturn a conviction for Holocaust denial on the grounds of free speech.[93][94]
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Williamson_(bishop)
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