A Good Summary of Whites and South African History
2004: S.Africa: Mbeki better than Mandela unemployment 30-40
London President Thabo Mbeki is probably a better manager than his predecessor, former president Nelson Mandela, despite some glaring errors of judgment.
[Someone sent me this. This was posted in a Youtube comment, probably by a White South African. Jan]
As a South African who grew up in Apartheid South Africa and have now lived under ‘free’ South Africa I have the following to share.
Apartheid South Africa separated the more than 9 African ‘tribes’ that had migrated South of the Limpopo river around the same time that Vasco de Gama rounded the Cape point.
These tribes could never get along, and they spent the majority of their time warring amongst themselves, stealing each other’s cattle, women and driving each other ever South.
When Jan van Riebeek was appointed the position of providing fresh vegetables in what is Cape Town, there were no local tribes who were providing this commodity. The now extinct/ integrated Hottentot tribes who lived there mainly hunted and fished.
When the ‘great trek’ happened due to the Dutch/Afrikaaner not wanting to live under English rule they only started encounter the first Bantu (African tribes that had migrated South of the limpopo river) tribes in the early 1800s. These were Xhosa people, a branch off the isiZulu tribes, and they were ousted by the isiZulu in bloody battles. Their language is characterised by the click sounds from the forced integration of San (Bushmen people) who’s men were slaughtered and women forced to join their tribe. This was also where isiZulu also adopted the click sounds into their language.
Keep in mind San people had lived in Southern Africa in relative peace for thousands of years before the migration of Bantu from North of the Limpopo river.
When the first ‘Voortrekkers’ entered Natal, they encountered isiZulu villages which were entirely wiped out, skeletons of victims left where they were killed.
As the years went by, Whites negotiated land in parts that were identified as ‘no man’s land’ between tribes of Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, and so forth and they were used by the various factions as buffer zones.
Apartheid South Africa was born out of these buffer zones, but the problem was that Bantus living under their oppressive kings started realising that life around the white settlements were free and gravitated to what later became known as ‘townships’ one Being ‘Soweto’ or ‘South Western Townships’
This brought with it, crime which is where Apartheid was enforced to keep the peace.
Today without Apartheid, racism still flourishes to a worse extent because whites are marginalised, and tribalism in government is hogtying the country through nepotism, rampant corruption and of course now the EU and the USA throw billions at the country for ‘upliftment’ but none of that money gets to where it was meant to.
South Africa under white rule went from being self sufficient to another puppet of the UN and freedom is just a word used every 5 years to keep the ANC regime in power while the country’s roads are going back to gravel, the rail system is the personal property of one Government minister, mines are destroying the environment because BEE (black economic empowerment) deals are funnelling money to Dubai, India and China.
Applying one set of rules in one country or region to a country anywhere in Africa is what has lead the continent to be rich in minerals and raw materials, but poor in economical growth.
White Shop: Strategic Solitaire (one player) Board Game: The White Tribe: Rhodesias War
THE WHITE TRIBE is a strategic solitaire (one player) game on the 1966-1980 civil war in the African nation of Rhodesia (today called Zimbabwe).