A Good European FREE SPEECH & Activist Website for whites….
Video: The Art of (((Mis-Management))): The Biggest Con Job that has fooled ALL Whites everywhere!
Whites EVERYWHERE are gradually being fooled regarding leadership and management. Most Whites dont have a clue any more what real, proper, White leadership is like or the tremendous heights it can achieve.
The owner of the website recently contacted me. He is busy aiming to form a new group of people in Europe in the coming months. He’s been around for a long time. He has posted many of the articles from my websites and has kindly sent traffic to me, which I appreciate. The website I’m referring to is Viva Malta! Its a forum and they’re busy there. So please support them and spread the word.
We really, really, REALLY, need our European brethren to get cracking. They are at the HEART OF OUR RACE!
And ALL WHITES, EVERYWHERE need to support a NEW EUROPE… the true Europe that we want.
We whites must stick together, and fight TOGETHER ON THE SAME SIDE!
Its time to turn things around for our race! 14/88 Jan
Here’s the link: http://www.vivamalta.net/VMforum/index.php?PHPSESSID=9m8mf28d02j1kblp7fu4mucse1;wwwRedirect
Jan‘s Videos about Hitler
Here is a list of most (but not all) of my videos about Hitler...