A Frenchman who warned about the need to FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL…


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S.Africa: 3 Blacks die after raping a crocodile on the instructions of a WitchDoctor!
I found this story doing the rounds on the social media among whites. I dug into it. The original source for this is zwnews.com. Zwnews.com used to be one of the best and most reliable Zimbabwe news websites for years.

Here is a lovely quote from Faye, a Frenchman who died in 2019. I think this quote is critical for our race:

“A people who no longer think about waging war are finished, drained of their substance and worn out from the inside.” Guillaume Faye, Prelude to War

Personally, I don’t think we’re dead. I think the war will come. But I think his quote is brilliant and Whites should take it to heart.

The 2020s is a rerun of the 1920s … Jews created this hell and I think it will be an intense struggle for our existence, but we need it and we are more than capable of surviving it. We’ve lived through worse.

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South Africa: Black Youth League says: White people do not belong here My Comments
What is never mentioned is that Blacks are themselves colonisers. That Blacks are NOT native to South Africa. They are technically BANTU and they come from West Africa.

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