911: The Jews did it: Israeli MOSSAD: Indisputable Facts about Building 7


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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
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[Here is a nice short summary about Building 7. I am noticing that there are things doing the rounds as if Jews are rewriting them. So instead of blaming the Jews it is then claimed that the "anti-christs" did it, etc. The JEWS DID 911. Jews in America worked with the Israeli MOSSAD and did this to create a war against the Muslims/Arabs in the Middle East. What this does not mention is that the JEW LARRY SILVERSTEIN said "Pull it" and then the building was brought down. It takes at least 6 weeks to put the explosives in a building in order to demolish it. So this was planned and prepared MONTHS (and very likely YEARS) beforehand. Jan]

Here’s a nice summary:-

Indisputable Scientific Facts

Don’t allow the enemies of truth to DIVERT us from indisputable facts, like::

Collapsing buildings leave huge chunks of concrete,
unless explosives are used.
The Concrete from the WTC was dust,
e.g. pulverized by explosives.
WTC Building #7 was NOT hit by a plane, but it was brought down in the afternoon of Sept.11, 2001 BY CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.
Dr. Steven Jones, Ph.D. in Physics, formerly of BYU, did an analysis of the video of Bldg 7 coming down. He proved that the building came down AT FREE FALL SPEED., proving the use of Explosives.

The hole in the Pentagon was too small for a 757 airliner.
Where is the wreckage of Flight 77 that supposedly hit the Pentagon?? A 757 weighs 50 tons.
50 tons of steel does not disappear.
Where’re the fuselage, the Wings, the Engines, and/or the tail??
(I saw these pictures.) Loose books, and papers in rooms adjacent to the hole prove that no big fire ever burned in the area.
Where are the Pentagon security tapes from the security cameras??
Subpoena the Security Tapes from the Pentagon.
The plane that supposedly crashed in Shanksville, PA , where are pictures of the wreckage, wings, tail,, engines, and luggage from? (There are no pictures because there was no crash, there.)

Indisputable political facts of Living History:

I heard the tapes of North American Air Defense personnel discussing the drill that they were supposed to be having at the very same time the attack was happening. They were incredulous, and confused. One said, “Is this drill or real word.”

NORAD had a hijacking drill . . .

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2005: S.Africa: Black Teenage Mum: I drowned my HIV+ baby in a toilet
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