911: Disgusting Witch Dr Judy Wood – Liar for Jews to mislead Americans
Video: Re-Release: Rhodesia: I was there - Alex Linder Interviewed Jan
Life in Africa during a Rebellion against Britain! Alex interviews Jan about his life growing up in Rhodesia during the Rhodesian Bush war which took place after Prime Minister Ian Smith declared UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) from Britain in 1965.
[One of my supporters came to me with a discussion about 911 and how he fell for the BIG LIAR Dr Judy Wood. Jan]
He wrote:
>Something I unfortunately bought into was the Inside Job narrative. I bought a book by a physicist named Judy Wood that speaks about evidence for
>esoteric microwave energy weapons, extremely complicated stuff. It implied that some secret weaponry that only the highest levels of the U.S.
>government could have possibly had access to was used to bring down the towers. The problem when buying into that is that you are forced to
>disqualify all other possible geo-political actors, and figure it must have been internal sabotage by the U.S.>For years I basically threw up my hands and said "well, there are corrupt and evil people, and I’ll never get any more clear about this".
>It was as if the proposition that Israel wanting influence over the U.S. military was to be overlooked (through the ensuing middle east wars).
>Of course, being someone that "can appreciate how complex things can be", I would dismiss the "Jews/Israel did 9/11" theory as silly, basically
>thinking they wouldn’t be capable of it. My thinking was that since there was evidence of secret high-tech weaponry used then there must have been
>high up U.S. actors involved, not something that Israelis would be able to touch.>Since then I have seen some people refuting Judy Wood’s work however, being able to explain the collapse with just bombs planted.
>Your videos helped me to finally stop dismissing the Jew-Israel connection as dumb. So thanks! In a video you speculated how it must have been
>hundreds or thousands of people carrying out their plans, Larry Silverstein being one. I’m finally convinced.
I replied:-
Thanks for explaining the process of how you woke up to Jews/Israel did 911. I’m very pleased to see that my videos helped you. Yes, it was only bombs, but there was also thermite that just melted the metal.
When you quote me as saying hundreds or thousands of people were involved, I can’t remember in which video I said that, but I also did a more recent video showing the military side of 911 and that Jews must have been caught by the US Military – Jews who were inside 911. Did you see that?
But yes, I stand firmly by that. 911 had to have been done by hundreds, but more likely thousands of people with Jews directing it and doing stuff. I don’t think the Jews got off 100% – I think quite a stack of Jews on the INSIDE WERE CAUGHT by the US Military. I did a whole video about it.
But I am extremely happy that you finally concluded that no, it wasn’t your EVIL GOVERNMENT – It was freaking Jew scum from Israel working with Jew scum in America. I don’t think the Jews will be able to pull off such a thing TWICE.
I’m really happy that you got past the Jewish deflector and liar Dr Judy Wood. The moment I watched her lectures and I heard that story of special technology, beam and heat energy needed to set cars on fire, I rolled my eyes and I knew this was a lying bitch. I looked at everything she said and I could see this is a disgusting woman who is COVERING FOR JEWS AND ISRAEL and the Jews of course publish her book and give her rave reviews, etc. I could SPIT BLOOD when I think of that lying witch Judy Wood and how she deceived people were her arrant crap. I’m happy you broke out of that and that I helped you.
If it wasn’t for Alex Linder, it would have taken me years to learn about the whole bomb thing. That blew my mind. The Architects and Engineers video is the best video on 911. It’s amazing. That was White America at its finest – just coming out and catching out all the Jew tricks.
I’m afraid this is the slow and tedious method by which we all quietly move forward, because it is a hell of a job coming out of "Jew Shock" when you don’t trust anything any more. It is difficult. I’m very pleased you made it out the other side!
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