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Video: An amazing small Community this is the way to live
This is a short video to show you some amazing People. This is a short piece from a much bigger, more comprehensive video.

[I did some checking and a minimum of 40% of the world's Jews live in America. But it could be as high as 50%. That is a shocking number. Those percentages are the same as what it was in Russia in the early 1900s – and Jewry tore Russia apart creating the greatest bloodshed it had ever known. This is NOT a good omen for the USA. Jan]

The Western country with the biggest Jewish problem is AMERICA. When I ponder the future of America and White Americans, they are definitely following the British model of teaming up with Jews and always keeping their White populace under control so that Jews can continue functioning in their society. But America has an INSANE number of Jews. It has more Jews than Russia ever had, and the Jews in Russia created hell in Russia until it ended in the Bolshevik revolution. When I look at Jewish history among Whites, I would say that this Jewish issue in America is going to remain and if Whites do not win now, then, in 100 years time this will come back to burn them. When Jews are in your society, it causes upheavals, and it goes through phases until you finally kick them out. This process can take hundreds of years. The Germans took in Jews for 600 years. 600 years of kindness until they couldn’t take it any more. The Spanish were ruled by Jews for almost 800 years. America could be sitting with a Jewish problem for the next 300 years. It doesn’t matter how friendly the White Elite in America are to Jews, this issue will be a cancer that will drive White Americans up the wall until one day even the White Elite in America realise that the Jews must go. America is going to have a huge Jewish problem because there are so many Jews living there. A huge chunk of world Jewry live in America. This is a cancer and the problem will remain until they leave one day or are kicked out. That is how history works.

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Video & Audio: Whites: Strategy Versus Tactics
This is a very important video. When you understand this, you‘ll grasp how Whites survive even when they don‘t have a plan! And why we always stand a chance against racial enemies.

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