21 million white babies have been aborted in the USA!


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[On Gab I saw a lady named Christina passing around the following info. She says that since 1975, 21,867,000 white babies have been aborted in the USA. I’ve asked her for her sources and will see what she says.

This is an enormous number. During this same time, tens of millions of non-whites have poured into the USA.

I looked at some US abortion statistics. On average, close to 1 million babies of all races are aborted annually. The time period she is referring to is 43 years. If 500,000 white babies are aborted annually, then it is quite easy for the total number to have been 21 million by now. So I’d say this is reasonable assessment. I would like to see more info on this though.

We whites had better begin taking the issue of babies and families very seriously if we intend to survive!

Here is a website that has a real time US and worldwide abortion counter: http://www.numberofabortions.com/

Here is an article discussing US Abortion statistics: https://abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/

Here is another US abortion article discussing the statistics and giving some history: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/socialissues/life-issues/dignity-of-human-life/abortion-statistics Jan]

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