2006: Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!! – My Comments


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[In the coming months I'm going to introduce you to one of the most kick-ass Englishmen I ever came across during my years on Africancrisis. This man later died under mysterious circumstances. I will tell you the amazing story of Norman Reeves. He ran a security company. Jan]

Date & Time Posted: 11/29/2006

Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!!

Folks, we all need a Crime Hero, and a CRIME FIGHTER. Neil Watson was too much of a wuss for this. I’ve been watching Norman Reeves for a time and I think he should be the man we back.

On Jeff Rense’s show he appealed for backing so that security companies can protect our farmers and keep this country from falling into the same state as Zimbabwe.

But, he said to Jeff Rense that crime can be sorted out in this country in 6 weeks. He mentioned a discussion with a Police chief (when the ANC charged him), and he saw pins on the Police map where there was NO CRIME. The Police said that those were the areas where Combat Security was running and they did not even bother going there because there was no crime there!

Norman is a military man, and he also stood for the IFP. He knows military stuff, he knows how to deal with crime and he is a direct and blunt speaker. I’m telling you, if people are looking for a LEADER and a problem solver… NORMAN IS OUR MAN.

Forget Neil/Juan the wuss… Get a real man who doesn’t bugger around.

We should be backing Norman Reeves as the “Neil Watson Replacement”.

I agree, if there was a real desire, and our Security companies and Police were MOBILISED, we could smash crime in this country down IN THE SIX WEEKS THAT NORMAN SAYS IT CAN BE DONE. I do NOT think this is an outrageous claim. I think it is doable.

If people wanted ACTION with CESA and didn’t get it… we should be backing someone like Norman Reeves and pushing him higher so that he can do what needs doing. Think about it. Jan

Source: https://archive.africancrisis.info/?p=109781

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