2 Photos: White Child sacrifice? Weird Tony Podesta art: Hunting and killing White Children in forests? – The RED SHOES…


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INCREDIBLE: Time Magazine admits & boasts about How the US Presidential Election was STOLEN!!!
This is the incredible story they published shortly after the election which names and gives details of the Jew who actually stole the US Presidential Election of 2020. The Jew Michael Avram Podhorzer is the real scumbag who specialises in stealing elections. He was the only one with the money and trade union backing to pull this off.

[I published a photo of weird, creepy Tony Podesta and him and his pals and their red shoes that match strange creepy paintings of little White kids who all wear red shoes…. Now take a look at this even more freaky shit. This is similar to some of the weird stories that come from Marc Dutroux in Belgium, who kidnapped little White girls and hid them underground. He raped them and filmed it for pedophiles. But, it gets very, VERY WEIRD because there was talk of White children being procured for the (((elite))) and that they were loosed, naked into forests, where they were hunted like animals. The children who weren’t successfully killed, would be hunted down by dogs which mauled them. That Marc Dutroux story from Belgium is extremely creepy and filled with tons of facts and lots of weird things, including the deaths of long lists of people related to the case. Someone pointed me to these 2 images of “Tony Podesta paintings”. I am assuming these are paintings that were in Podesta’s house, or are similar to ones in Podesta’s house. Look at this creepy weird shit. There is some very creepy weird, anti-White art I must tell you, that comes from the Rothschild family. In that case it’s RACIAL and its about Blacks killing Whites, and Blacks having sex with White women. That stuff is very similar to this weird shit. Look at the children, they seem to be running in fear, as if being hunted and they are bleeding and naked. But look in the bottom painting … all those kids are wearing those RED SHOES!!! This is very similar to the hideous Jewish Rothschild “art” I’ve seen. That is very nasty too, just like this. This is not normal. Jan]

Source: https://imgur.com/a/MlVVWPI

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White Shop: Very Beautiful Viking Ring Viking Motif of Pendant from Ns, South Zealand
Viking Age (800-1050 AD). The ornament is very characteristic of Danish antiquity and can be seen applied to various finds throughout Scandinavia.

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