2 Memes: The Phony old WHORE, Nancy Pelosi…


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Video: Napoleon: Jews are GUILTY until proven Innocent!
This is the story of how Napoleon tried to solve the Jewish problem in Europe nicely. He got all the Jews together. Then the Jews proceeded to lie to him and he realised it!

[Nancy Pelosi is such a bag of shit. I enjoyed these 2 memes from neoncrusader, where Alicia Frischmann and Scottie are busy again, educating whites. I really enjoyed seeing them calling her a phony old whore! Nice! Many of these treasonous filthy politicians need to be hanged. So many to hang, so little time … in all Western countries! Jan]

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Video: S.Africa: SECESSION: The ONLY HOPE for Whites: My discussion with a Lawyer
Secession, secession, secession! This is the JET AIRCRAFT to Freedom for Whites in South Africa. Nothing else has the potential of this concept. Youll understand why I think this is the most awesome thing that anyone in South Africa can do. In this video youll hear a detailed discussion with my attorney who did a lot of legal work on secession along with other attorneys.

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