2 Jews at work up to NO GOOD AGAIN in the USA…


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BIG BLACK LIES ABOUT APARTHEID! The lie that Whites killed MILLIONS of Blacks!
Here in South Africa, black Govt ministers have even said in Parliament that Apartheid killed MILLIONS of blacks. This is a total lie.

[I got this from an American. Jews are always up to no good. The more power you give them the more dangerous they are. Jan]

Folks, my only 2 morning stories for today and they both revolve around government imbedded satanic kikerats. The 2nd about blinken in the federal government and the 1st about the minority leader in the Idaho house of reps, Ilana rubel(who was born in canadistan and graduated as a lawyer from kikerat central harvard before moving west to seize a state government for her evil tribe). These spawn of satan worm their way in EVERYWHERE. Notice that she is arguing in defense of the vax stab when 2 republican white men are trying to introduce a bill to BAN it statewide w criminal penalties(link 1 below). Folks, ya ever get the idea that America would be a MUCH BETTER place if we completely removed all satanic kikerats from our nation ?!?!
Then #2 we have satanic kikerat blinken say that if China provides lethal aid to Russia that they would be crossing a red line. Historically that means that we will go to war w China if they support Russia in the same way that America and all of nato are supporting the kikerats in the ukraine. Nothing like a little hypocrisy, hey ?? This is just 1 more step closer to ww3. It is coming because our economy is in shambles and the world is leaving the dollar. Even central American countries are now trading direct across the Atlantic in their own currencies. Therefore something MUST give. My guess is that at some point Russian and Chinese intelligence will get word that a major direct American strike is imminent on them and they will strike first just as Putin did in the ukraine right before a giant invasion of the donbass areas was about to be launched by the ukraine. Hitler preempted stalins mass invasion of Europe in the same way in ww2 with operation barbarossa. But because of the usa and the satanic kikerat Roosevelt providing Stalin with tens of thousands of pieces of heavy weaponry and then america jumping directly into the war on the side of global satanry, the good guys lost and the stage was set for a total global takeover after ww3 just as disgraced Confederate General albert pike predicted in the 1800s.


History of Ilana rubel:


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