2 Jewish Snipers probably killed George Lincoln Rockwell – an INCREDIBLE WHITE AMERICAN
BIG BLACK LIES ABOUT APARTHEID! The lie that Whites killed MILLIONS of Blacks!
Here in South Africa, black Govt ministers have even said in Parliament that Apartheid killed MILLIONS of blacks. This is a total lie.
[Rockwell who founded the American NAZI party was an incredible modern human being. I sent this note to Jim Rizoli who does fantastic work. Jan]
I wrote this:
Glad to see you’re pushing Rockwell stuff. He’s awesome. Really brave man. He was actually murdered by Jews. But nobody does the homework. The answer lies in the trial documents pertaining to his murder.
Everything published about his murder is a LIE. When I was in the USA I met a guy who was one of his guys and he told me this. I also knew another guy who knew Rockwell. He was a Christian pastor actually. But he was friends with Rockwell. And he also explained that Rockwell was NOT murdered by the Greek NAZI they like to blame for it. Nobody seems to want to do the legwork of going through the trial transcripts. Rockwell was probably killed by TWO Jewish snipers. There were 2 sets of footprints from the scene of his death. But they always say that he was killed by one of the Greek guys who was in his movement. That Greek guy was a real hard worker and responsible for producing their newsletter.
Rockwell was a brave man – trying to do the impossible with nothing – and he bravely faced everything.
He was not even allowed to own a gun for self defence! The first time someone tried to kill him, he jumped out of his vehicle, unarmed and he ran and chased his wannabe killer into the woods.
Rockwell was so awesome.
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