1879: Famous French Writer Victor Hugo was a RACIALIST and aware of the JEWS!!!


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SADF: 1981: South Africa Kills some Soviet Officers & captures a Russian in fighting in Angola
South Africa said today that its soldiers had killed some Soviet army officers and captured a warrant officer during its eight-day operation in Angola against black nationalist guerrillas.

[One of my French supporters told me something I never knew. I've heard of Victor Hugo, but never read his material. But he knew about the worthless Blacks of Africa as well as the Jewish scum. Jan]

This is what my French NAZI supporter sent:

Victor Hugo (1802-1885) is one of the most famous French writers, known for being racialist and jew-savvy.

Here’s what this quote by him says:
"What would Africa be without the Whites? Nothing; a mass of sand; the night; stagnation; lunar landscapes. Africa exists only because the White Man has touched it."

How brilliant!…

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