$120 million SCAM! – Scamming Christian Zionists: The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews – My Comments


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2003: S.Africa: 75 of matriculants won‘t get jobs
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[So true. This is the root problem with Christianity – it creates new problems. People eventually don't know who they actually are, and I notice that Liberalism has the same effect. These ideas are creating needless division among our people. In a normal life, things would be very direct and straightforward. These ideas create problems and divisions.  Jan]

Watching the Fox News channel on weekends I have been blown away by this ad soliciting donations for “thousands” of “Jewish Holocaust Survivors” who are “in dire need.” Forgive me if I think this is a scam. If the pathetic people like those depicted are really in such dire need, surely they could be airlifted to Israel. Or the many well-endowed Jewish charities and foundations, or the many Jewish billionaires could take care of the problem—if there really is one—in a heartbeat.

Charity Navigator indicates that IFCJ raised nearly $120,000,000, with $15,328,386 in administrative expenses. Yael Eksteine, who inherited her sinecure from her father Yechiel, makes a salary of $710,418/year—doing well by doing good, and having an income that would put her in the top one percent of income earners in the U.S. I’m thinking that Eckstein could afford to contribute a few of those $25 gift boxes.

Given that the ad is running on Fox News, it’s clearly aimed at Christians, and one has to think that the great majority of the $120M is being raised from Christians. Parasitism by any other name. Andrew Joyce’s Christian Zionism as a Parasitic Ideology – The Occidental Observer on Christian Zionism clearly shows how gullible Christian Zionists are—how they are prone to accepting wildly contradictory ideas, how they strip well known globalist Jews like Soros of their Jewish identity.

Truly depressing. As AJ writes, it’s very difficult to think of how to reach Christian Zionists, as it is with anyone with strong religious beliefs. As P.T. Barnum famously said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” And where there are suckers, there’s never any lack of people who will take advantage of them.

Source: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/02/06/scamming-christian-zionists-the-international-fellowship-of-christians-and-jews/

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