Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe resigned – BUT he’s a billionaire & remember these points…


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[Robert Mugabe resigned a few hours ago. BUT, remember these points:-
o Now that he’s resigned, it makes the coup LEGAL – so this lets President Zuma and the African Union off the hook
o Mugabe is a BILLIONAIRE in US Dollar terms. He owns a hotel in the UK, and has many assets elsewhere including Asia.
o Mugabe is NOT going to be prosecuted for anything – which means he gets away with ALL his crimes and mass murder.
o I hope he does not settle in South Africa – that would be bad.
o The good side is that it surely scares Zuma of South Africa – so Globalist Elite will like it and might even have helped support it.
o It is good that it will scare other black leaders and perhaps even Malema a bit – because it will show them that they’re not untouchable.
o He’s filthy rich and he and his family will be living fine whereever they go – which is sad.
o His one son this week showed a pic of his latest watch which he boasted is worth $60,000! – That’s the lifestyle these black scum communists are used to.

I suspect he resigned rather than took the impeachment. So the bummer is he gets away with everything and walks into the sunset.

o The ruling party, ZANU PF are communists with close links to (Jewish) Communist China.

On the plus side, I saw a news article which showed that the enmity between ZANU PF and the opposition MDC which was created by whites+blacks is as strong as ever. Blacks told me that ZANU PF will probably cheat at next year’s national elections. ZANU PF is somewhat amenable to white farmers coming back BUT ONLY ON THEIR TERMS (which I wish whites would REJECT). There might be slight improvements in Zimbabwe but I doubt things will change – nor do I care.

Even Mugabe realised and knew that his comrades in ZANU are themselves untrustworthy, so I suspect new problems will arise.

o Mnangagwa is a bad boy with spying CIO links. Chances are he’ll be ruthless too.

For us Rhodesians it is good to see Mugabe going down. He’s been in our faces for 37 years. So its a small victory and that’s good. But its not a real victory in a sense that means anything to whites.

The key thing the blacks want is for the economy to improve because its STILL IMPLODING EVEN NOW. But I really am AGAINST whites going there to build up a black state while having no power. We whites MUST STRIVE FOR OUR OWN POLITICAL AND MILITARY POWER.

Mugabe was a BAD INFLUENCE across Africa being extremely communist and very anti-white. He was seen as invincible. So I think the main impact will be on Zuma and on Malema.

Otherwise, as Dr Peter Hammond said, nothing will change. I believe we whites MUST NOT CO-OPERATE with blacks in their politics at all, anywhere.

But it does close a bit of a chapter for Rhodesians. At least we got to see this communist fuck standing down. BUT he did NOT get the treatment he deserved which was to be stripped of everything he had and to be hanged or shot.

We whites must now focus on ourselves.

Here is a news story about his resignation. Jan]


Thunderous celebrations have erupted in the streets of Harare as people sing and chants following the news of Robert Mugabe’s exit.

Zimbabwe’s Members of Parliament celebrate after Robert Mugabe’s resignation on 21 November 2017 in Harare. Picture: AFP.

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