Who really controls Gun Free South Africa?


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Video: Professor Quigley: The Jewish Rothschilds and the History of Banking and Money
Professor Quigley was hated by the White Right in the 1960s. The bulk of this video is 40 pages specially removed from his 1966 book, Tragedy and Hope, which deal with the Jewish Rothschilds, banking and Whites and Jews who played a big role in capitalism.

[This is from an Englishman who used to live in South Africa, and whom I knew personally. He was involved in more than one of the Gun Organisations. Jan]

He wrote:
Unlike your lawyer perhaps, when I worked with xxxxxx, I occasionally held talks at the Ministerial level to try to resolve issues. For the record, the so-called NGO calling themselves GFSA are in reality not an NGO at all, they are a Quango, (Google it). Still funded partially by the ANC, and originally set up by them when they first came to power in ’94. (GFSA are actually mentioned in their manifesto)

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Video & Audio: Nelson Mandelas support for Jews
We take a quick look at Nelson Mandela the most famous Black politician in the world, and the first Black President of South Africa. He has amazingly strong ties to the White Jews of South Africa. This is born out in his own words, and also in photos.

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