What Adolf Hitler said about Female Equality


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[Some fantastic stuff from Mike King. I really like the manly way Hitler and the men protected their women. That is FANTASTIC! That's what White men should do. Jan]

a 1934 speech, by one [Hitler] of our favorite philosophers and defenders of womanhood:

" I do not want a uniformed female police officer to walk around and run after scamps or criminals. These are things we naturally don’t want. Then they say, ‘Excuse me, you don’t allow women in the parliament as well.’ Certainly, but only because I am satisfied that the parliament does not raise the value of women, but it would only degrade her. I also removed the men from parliament because they were all rotten. (Reichstag laughter)

Then they say, "Why not put some good women into parliament." Because they would turn rotten too. (more laughter)

A women’s regiment of snipers is being trained in the Soviet Union… grenadiers in Spain (pre-Franco). All I can say about this type of female equality — I have experienced war. I know how hard it is. I know how many men’s nerves have been shattered by war. I have often seen them return by the dozens, doddering, completely ruined and broken. The idea that a girl or woman should take this upon herself — I could have no respect for German men then.

As long as we have a healthy male gender in Germany, no female sharpshooters or grenadiers will be trained in Germany. That is no equality, but rather, inferior rights for women because it is much harder for her than men. We won’t do it – because for us, the woman has been the most faithful work and life companion of the man at all times."


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