Virginia Governor is a POS – Lying scumbag Claims He And Teams Saved The Day! – My Comments


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[The Governor of Virginia, strikes me as a lying piece of garbage. What I am wondering about is whether this two-faced scumbag won't try to ram through the gun seizure anyway? I would like to see how he behaves. At the rally there was one guy with a loud speaker who said to the people on the streets that the only RADICALS in Richmond were the Governor and his henchmen. And that is true. I am amazed by what I would call “Radical Liberals” in the USA. In South Africa I would say we have a few “Radical Christians”. Normally Radical is not a word associated either with Liberals or Christians. But there are a handful in South Africa. But in American Radical Liberals seem to be pretty common and they behave like almost like communists. 

I have pondered these Liberals, and I want to see if the rally in any way deters them from the gun seizure move. I'm not fully convinced that the radical governor scumbag has been beaten. I hope I'm wrong. But let's see how it plays out. For me it will be an interesting lesson. 
On the day of the rally, I heard a number of people say 100,000 people had attended. At the very least it was 20,000. The downplaying of this by the Governor and the MSM is not a good sign. You are dealing with an ENEMY OF WHITES. Jan]

On Monday, my boys and I were in Richmond, Virginia for what can only be described as a community of freedom-loving, peaceful, armed Americans protesting the tyrant in the governor’s mansion and those in the legislature that even hint at, let alone speak openly about, confiscating guns. I was on both The Sons Of Liberty Radio show and Jim White’s Northwest Liberty News on Monday and while reporting on what was taking place and the small amount of people that actually disarmed themselves to go in the governor’s little fort he created to hear Second Amendment proponents speak (something that continues to baffle me), I said that Northam would claim his unlawful disarmament and fencing of the people’s capital would be touted as saving the day. Sure enough, right on cue, he did it.

“We are all thankful that today passed without incident,” the governor wrote. “The teams successfully de-escalated what could have been a volatile situation. This resulted from weeks of planning and extensive cooperation among state, local, and federal partners in Virginia and beyond.”

They de-escalated squat! I was there. There was nothing to de-excalate.

Governor Northam is not only a supporter of mass murder through abortion and infanticide, he is a bold faced liar.

Lobby Day has been held peacefully for years and Northam and company had nothing to do with making it peaceful nor de-escalating anything.

He added, “Virginia’s law enforcement and first responders demonstrated tremendous professionalism. I’m proud of their work. I have spoken with Colonel Settle of the State Police, Colonel Pike of the Capitol Police, and Chief Smith of the Richmond Police Department, as well as leaders of the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office, and thanked them for keeping Virginia safe.”

I would agree with that for those outside the governor’s fencing and those criminally disarming law-abiding citizens.

However, I told several of the people there from Virginia that while the cops on the street were incredibly friendly and supportive of what was going on, those inside the fencing weren’t even allowing people to bring in little pop-up chairs to sit in and ensuring that the rights of the people entering were being violated, and yes, they were violating their rights under the protections of the Fifth Amendment.

“Thousands of people came to Richmond to make their voices heard,” Northam crowed. “Today showed that when people disagree, they can do so peacefully. The issues before us evoke strong emotions, and progress is often difficult. I will continue to listen to the voices of Virginians, and I will continue to do everything in my power to keep our Commonwealth safe.”

No, there were tens of thousands of people there!

Second, it isn’t that we just disagreed with you, it was calling out your corruption and criminality of violating your oath of office and all of those, whether they are legislators or police that would submit themselves to doing your lawless bidding.

Governor Northam isn’t about keeping Virginia safe. He’s already demonstrated that in advocating for the murder of the most innocent Virginians, unborn and born babies.

No, he wants Virginia disarmed and helpless in the face of a globalist agenda.

He wants control.

Sic Semper Tyrannis!


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