Videos Hitler: The Unknown Soldier (1914-1918) (2004)


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Video: The US Government Revoked my VISA and stopped me getting on the plane to the USA
On 30th April, 2024, I was due to get on a plane to the USA. This is a short video about my bizarre experience that day.

A historic film that edits together many sources of information on Adolf Hitler’s foot soldier combat experience in the German army in World War I. Contains original German, British and German war time film footage, in addition to excerpts from Hitler’s letters home from the front. Bonus footage contains a slide show of German WWI postcards and an interview with Professor Ian Kershaw, the foremost academic authority on the life of the dictator.

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Video & Audio: South African Jews worked secretly to destroy White rule
We take a look at the testimony of the Scottish Member of Parliament, George Galloway, who was an enemy of the Whites of South Africa and Apartheid. He travelled secretly to South Africa during Apartheid.

Obergruppenfuhrer SS

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