Video: WW2: The AWESOME Germans: Grossdeutschland – Panzergrenadier – Hasso von Manteuffel, Guderian – Mp 40 – Panzer 4 – Wochenschau

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Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.

[The Germans were awesome. But the Jew rat scum fooled the world and everyone listened to the Jewish crap and came to kill the Germans. It's so disgusting. These were real, awesome White men. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.

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