Video: Russians Speak: Russian propagandist argues Ukraine does not exist – My Comments


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Video: The Gods of War: Julius Caesar: Bravery can save you, Cowardice can KILL YOU!!
All Whites, including women should watch this. You will be amazed at what Whites were like 2077 years ago! In this video were not only look at a timeless lesson of war, but we also look at what Whites were really like. You will be amazed what White society was like in Europe and how Whites functioned.

[The Russians in the rural areas don't have good internet access. So they mostly get to watch TV shows like this. This Russian argues that Kyiv and Ukrainians are Russians. But in actual fact, there are people in the past who made the argument that the original "Rus" of Russia were actually the Ukrainians. That it is not Ukraine that is Russia, but that Russia was created by Ukrainians. Anyhow, this is what Putin's people tell the Russians. Ukraine is not real, it was always just a part of Russia. However, when the awesome Wehrmacht went into Russia in WW2, the Ukrainians not only hated Jews and kicked them out and even killed them BEFORE the Wehrmacht got there, but the Ukrainians welcomed the Germans as Liberators and later there were Ukrainians including Ukrainian SS who fought for Hitler. Perhaps the Germans helped to change the Ukrainians during that wonderful, but short time of German rule. Also lots of Germans went to Russia, and I think many went to Ukraine when Catherine the Great (who was German) ruled Russia. The Ukrainians are more European than the Russians. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: Jews explain that they own and control HISTORY! They will smear their enemies FOREVER
In this video we study something that Jews do behind the scenes. We look at Jews trying to silence someone with a private meeting and threats. I analyse what exactly the Jews say, and what it means. Once you understand this youll realise that Jews have poisoned ALL of WESTERN HISTORY! Youll never view history or the conclusions about anyone in history, the same ever again.

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