Video: Is the Scott Key Bridge collapse a 911 type of event? – CHAOS: Baltimore Bridge COLLAPSE as Ship SLAMS Into It, Mass Casualties


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Video: S.Africa: Untold Story: When Whites tried to build tens of millions of houses for Blacks
In this video I show some private photos that I have and I tell the story of how many times Whites set out to build millions of houses for Blacks in South Africa even under Apartheid, and how the ANC ruling party was spiteful and how they DESTROYED the efforts of the Whites.

[Some Americans I know have raised suspicions about this bridge collapse, including that the bridge was named after Francis Scott Key who wrote the US National Anthem. If anyone comes across proper engineering evidence for weird stuff then I'll be interested. There is an element in this that is almost like 911. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: General Von Manstein: Advice on HOPELESS sitations for Nations
Many Whites have told me that our situation is hopeless in all our nations including here in S.Africa. In this video I take a look at brilliant White men who lived through the hell of war and what they thought about hopeless and desperate situations. What did these men think who had spent years of their lives handling desperate, dangerous and hopeless situations.

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