Video & Audio: The Gods of War: Julius Caesar: Bravery can save you, Cowardice can KILL YOU!!


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Video: STOP FARM MURDERS!!! Black Politicians are directly responsible for Farm Murders!
This is a short video I did which quickly gives you some background into farm murders and why I, and others say that Farm Murders are caused directly by black politicians. Here are many facts about Farm Murders in South Africa that you dont know!

Right-Click here to download the Video

Right-Click here to download the Audio

All Whites, including women should watch this. You will be amazed at what Whites were like 2077 years ago! In this video were not only look at a timeless lesson of war, but we also look at what Whites were really like. You will be amazed what White society was like in Europe and how Whites functioned. There are 3 previous videos that relate to this one. Here are their links:

o The Ultimate Supremacism: Roman Supremacism:

o When young Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Pirates:

o General Von Manstein: Advice on HOPELESS sitations for Nations:

This was recorded on: 2023-12-25.

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2005: S.Africa: Black Teenage Mum: I drowned my HIV+ baby in a toilet
A young Matatiele mother admitted in the Pietermaritzburg High Court on Friday to killing her nine-month-old baby because she was HIV positive.

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