Video & Audio: Canadians HATE the Mass Media: White Canadians at their FINEST!

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Video & Audio: S.Africa: Blacks who openly talk about killing all the Whites
In this video I show examples of Blacks in South Africa in the last decade or even recently who openly spoke about killing ALL WHITES! They mention hideous things they would like to do to us.

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Here are some White Canadians at their finest. This is during the Trucker protests. Listen to what they have to say. They hold the Mass Media in utter contempt. These White Canadians have got guts! Amazing people! People told me in 2019 that Canadians are fcked. I spoke to them face to face and told everyone that Canadians are not fcked. And here in 2022, they’ve shown you what they can do. They’re NOT PUSSIES! 14/88

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USA:Colin Powell: In 20 Years Whites will be a Minority in America:Is there a future for Republicans
2008: General Colin Powell the racist. Colin Powell is supposedly a Republican but what a fence-sitter he is, and like with Oprah, they all just went and supported Obama because hes black.

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