Trump Reveals Latest Leadership Team – 4 Prominent Names Are Noticed as Missing


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What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.

[There's also a video of Trump at this source link:  Jan]

Team Trump has revealed a fascinating list of who is on its new “Texas Leadership Team” — but it’s the names that aren’t on the list that are raising eyebrows.

Ahead of former President Donald Trump’s eagerly anticipated Waco, Texas, rally, spokeswoman Liz Harrington tweeted out a statement from him announcing this new team:

“President Donald J. Trump visits Waco, Texas on Saturday to hold the first rally of his 2024 Presidential campaign,” the statement began. “At the rally, he will announce his initial Texas Leadership Team of statewide and federal elected officials from across Texas. Coupled with President Trump’s overwhelming support from grassroots activists, his campaign is uniquely positioned to win the 2024 Texas Republican Presidential Primary.”

The message then actually lists that initial team out, and it certainly includes some notable names.

Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick is given the feature billing on that list. Attorney General Ken Paxton got second billing.

Below those two, numerous congressional representatives were listed, including current Rep. Troy Nehls and former Rep. Mayra Flores.

However, just as fascinating for Twitter users responding to Harrington was about who wasn’t on that list. Four names in particular — of some rather heavy hitters — were noticeably absent.

One user wondered where Gov. Greg Abbott was, certainly a noticeable omission given Patrick’s inclusion.

Another Twitter user found it “interesting” that Sen. Ted Cruz, a former Trump 2016 primary rival who has largely been a Trump supporter since, wasn’t on the list.

Yet another Twitter user was curious where Rep. Dan Crenshaw, who has run afoul of some staunch Trump allies lately, was.

Finally, one Twitter user was remiss to bring up Rep. Chip Roy, while alluding to the fact that Roy had previously said that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis should be the next president.

Now, there has been absolutely no indication how this team was assembled and who was and wasn’t asked.

Conversely, there’s been no indication if invitations were sent to Abbott, Cruz, Crenshaw or Roy or, perhaps, if they declined those invites.

What is certain is that this “Texas Leadership Team” will be working with an impassioned base in the Lone Star State, at least if Trump’s rally in Waco is any indication.

Below, you can watch KRIV’s coverage of Trump’s rally (Trump supporters may see some symbolism in terms of who the station cut away from to cover the Waco rally):

While Trump has yet to provide more detail on what exactly his “Texas Leadership Team” will be managing, given that this announcement was attached to his official campaign trail, one can imagine that he will have leadership teams in other states, as well.

If that is indeed the case, those leadership teams may very well face the same scrutiny that Texas’ did.


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