There could be around 5 billion habitable planets in the Milky Way


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20 Pics: RAHOWA (White) RACIAL HOLY WAR: Excellent memes to spread among whites
I really am a huge fan of Ben Klassen and the Creativity Movement. It was Ben Klassen an almost South African sounding name but actually a German Ukrainian who moved to the USA, who invented the Whites only religion of Creativity and coined the phrase: RAHOWA Racial Holy War, for whites.

Half of the stars in our galaxy that are similar to the sun could be home to an Earth-like planet capable of supporting life.

A team led by Steve Bryson at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California analysed data from the Kepler space telescope, searching for rocky planets within the habitable zone of stars the same size as our sun. The habitable zone is found at the distance from a star where it isn’t too hot or too cold for liquid water to exist.

Based on detections of …

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Lots of Photos: NAZI Gassings!!
This is a link to the Wayback Machine where you can see a wonderful old website with mountains of photos and articles about the enormous Jewish hoax of the holocaust. NAZIGASSINGS was a wonderful little website in it‘s day. You can still see many photos and stories on this page.

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