Southern African Govts to meet urgently over the Muslim attack in Mozambique


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[Only one South African died and sadly, he was a White Afrikaans guy. Jan]

Johannesburg – The South African government has confirmed that 50 South Africans who were caught up in the conflict in Mozambique have been accounted for.

This comes as regional leaders are preparing for a key meeting next week over the crisis in Mozambique.

The Ministry of Defence said in a statement on Saturday it was concerned about the security situation in Mozambique.

“Government can confirm that, with the exception of one person who died tragically in violence, more than 50 South Africans who were reported missing through the South African High Commission in Maputo have been accounted for,” said the ministry.

Meanwhile, the SADC leaders will convene an urgent meeting next week to discuss the security situation in Mozambique.

This follows the insurgency that has claimed lives in Palma, leading to the evacuation of South Africans by the army.

The Ministry of Defence on Saturday said it was concerned about the security situation in Cabo Delgado.

It said SADC leaders will hold an urgent meeting next week.

“South Africa looks forward to the SADC Troika meeting that has been called by the President of Botswana, Mokgweetsi Masisi,” said the ministry.

It added that Masisi will convene the meeting next week in his capacity as chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security, and it was necessitated by the ongoing insurgency affecting the province of Cabo Delgado in the northern part of Mozambique.

The ministry said that the meeting provides an important platform for regional engagement on measures to be taken to resolve the security challenges confronting Mozambique.

“South Africa reiterates its full support to all attempts by SADC and AU that seek to silence the guns and realise peace and stability on the continent, including in Southern Africa,” said the ministry.

“As a matter of principle, South Africa supports multilateral efforts to respond to the situation in Mozambique.

“South Africa will be guided by the outcomes of this meeting on how it can assist to stabilise the situation in Mozambique,” it added.

SANDF was providing support to the South African High Commission with regard to the repatriation of those South Africans who want to return.

“Government can confirm that, with the exception of one person who died tragically in violence, more than 50 South Africans who were reported missing through the South African High Commission in Maputo have been accounted for,” said the ministry.

On 30 March, the South African Air force repatriated the body of Adrian Nel together with his brother and father.

The military will continue to provide logistical support to the South African High Commission in Maputo with regard to consular services, including repatriation.


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BIZARRE: Russia: Scientists to create a genetic weapon against Anglo-Saxons
This is a bizarre story from Russia. I have the link to the original Moscow Times article in Russian which you are welcome to translate. I have published the translation as well as the original text. Now you will see the crazy type of stuff Russians publish in Russia.

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