RAW LIES about Pre-Christian Whites in Europe – that they were uncivilized Barbarians


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Ten Years After Apartheid (1994-2004): The Raw Facts
This is an article I wrote in 2004, exactly 10 years after hideous Black rule descended upon us. In here are lots of statistics and short bullet points showing the nightmare that South Africa had descended to under Black Communist rule.

[Someone on Gab was saying that Christianity changed Whites, but that's not fully true. Pre-Christian Whites were very civilised actually. The Romans were awesome, but even the so-called "Barbarians" were amazingly functional. It is a BLATANT LIE to imagine that Whites were mad crazy fools before Christianity. They weren't. I've read what even their enemies, like Julius Caesar wrote of them, and they were fine. Jan]

I replied as follows:
It is a blatant lie to say that Europeans were Barbaric before Christianity came along. Europeans had laws. All Europeans, even the "Barbarians" were actually very functional societies with laws. They ALL had a rule of LAW. All Whites have ALWAYS had laws in their society, and morals too by the way. The term "Barbarian" does NOT describe pre-Christian Europeans correctly. Even their enemies, like Julius Caesar, tells you of their behaviour, their laws and how they functioned. Pre-Christian Europeans were more sophisticated than Blacks in Africa or people in the Third World. It is a TOTAL LIE to depict pre-Christian Whites as fools. IT IS A RAW LIE.

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USA: Black man stabs White woman and has sex with her as she dies...
I was a big fan of the show Medical Detectives. This story really got to me. And this Black man was not even executed.

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