Photo: TRAITOR: Biden Literally KNEELS Before Israeli President In Bizarre And Humiliating Display — Pledges U nconditional Support To Israel
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[Biden is such a bag of shit. Truly, for a White man, this guy is truly a piece of shit of the worst kind. And grovelling like a dog before the Jews. He is anyway a RACE TRAITOR to Whites in general and he is definitely a TRAITOR to all Americans. He's a real piece of work. I never imagined anyone could sink lower than the Clintons, but Biden is in a class of his own I tell you. Just look at the photo below. And this is the PRESIDENT of the most powerful nation on Earth? Are you shitting me? We live in a disgusting Jewish world I tell you. Jan]
President Joe Biden dropped to his knees during a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin at the White House on Monday, in an exceedingly bizarre and embarrassing show of desperation.
President Rivlin and his chief of staff Rivka Ravitz could be seen laughing at Biden during the humiliating display.
“Finally, something that truly meets the definition of the sanctification of God,” Yossi Elituv of Michpacha tweeted (as translated by Google). “President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz, who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children, and the head of the outgoing staff at the President’s House. Ravitz will continue to sail far.”
The Israeli paper claimed on Friday that Biden “knelt in honor” after Ravitz told him that she has “no less than 12 children.”
“The two presidents talked at length about the commitment to strengthen relations between the two countries,” Kipa reported.
“My commitment to Israel is known and engraved in the rock,” Biden said as reported by Kipa and translated by Google. “Includes an unquestionable commitment to Israel’s self-defense. I can say that Iran will never receive nuclear weapons on my watch.”
In 2015, Rivkah was praised by Orthodox Jewish papers after she refused to bow to the Pope because “she was halachically forbidden to bow to him because of the cross” and refused to shake his hand “because she is observant of halakha (Jewish law),” according to Israel National News.
The Pope reportedly responded by covering his cross with his hand and bowing to her.
Rivlin’s office did damage control by having an anonymous source claim Rivkah did bow to the Pope before the picture was taken.
Did similar happen last week with Biden?
I don’t know but I do know our president should not be kneeling before anyone but God.
Conservatives were quick to criticize Obama during his presidency for bowing before foreign leaders yet for some reason they’ve got nothing to say about this far more humiliating display!
Video: JEWS105A: Jewish lies that work: The One Jew Lie
Jews are extremely quick and glib and able to fool you in a second. They will successfully lie to you in the course of what you believe is a friendly conversation with someone who is a genuine friend of yours.