Nice Compliment from Alison Chabloz re: History Reviewed – Her London Forum video


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Kenya: Witchcraft: The devil told me to have sex with sheep
Witchcraft is rampant across Africa. This story is incredibly weird and bizarre. Other Blacks said this Black guy was also having sex with a dog. This story makes for some insane reading. I published this on my old website.

[Alison sent me this really nice compliment when I announced that my website was up. I did not know that my site was the only one hosting her video. What I will say is that many of the History Reviewed videos are only found here. There are many which people have kindly put up at other locations, but there are still a lot of videos that can ONLY be found on HistoryReviewed and AfricanCrisis. Even BitChute will not allow them to be uploaded there. Jan]

Note from Alison:

From: Alison Chabloz
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: The NEW History Reviewed URL
To: Jan Lamprecht

Glad to hear it, Jan. Yours is the only place on the entire Web which hosts my London Forum video!

Keep up the great work – I know you will.


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